We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Tuesday, September 21

Weekend Damages (9/17 - 9/19)

  • $1.25 - Diet Pepsi from the vending machine
  • $2.34 - Dunkin Donuts (pick me up iced coffee on my way to a site walk...yes work on a Saturday...lame)
  • $20(ish) - Tips for bartender at wedding (actually am not quite sure how much I spent...which is why I should not carry cash on me...ever)
  • $2.11 - Marriott (Tums...necessary after putting down as much wine as I did at the wedding)
  • $25.44 - Barnes and Noble 
 Wait, what? We leave for Greece on Thursday and neither Aaron or I can speak a lick of Greek?? Hence the pocket translator...granted everyone will more than likely speak English, but it can't hurt to have one...just in case. 

And a little something to play on the plane...cue a million little pieces being lost forever...
FYI...this game was created by a Rhode Islander, which adds to it's awesomeness.

Friday, September 17

Monday - Thursday Damages (9/13 - 9/16)

  • $0
  •  $0
  • $28.77 - CVS (randomness)
  • $0
So far so good this week. Lets see if I can keep it up through the weekend. So far this weekend, I have dinner with my brother and Aaron Friday night, wedding Saturday, wake Sunday. It will be a happy/fun and depressingly sad weekend. Interesting mix. 

    Tuesday, September 14

    Sweet, Sweet Tempations

    Arnold Zimberg boutique on the La La. $69 from $160
    Nothing says fall like plaid. No?

    Prana capris on Steap and Cheap. $23.99 from $59.95

     Zobha tank on the La La. $29 from $56.

    Zobha boutique on the La La. Super comfy looking top $35 from $64.

    Zohba boutique on the La La. Yoga pants, $35 from $80.

    All resisted! I should mention that I have a $39 credit burning a hole in my Rue La La pocket too...I returned one of the dresses I got a ways back. It wasn't quite as cute as I had hoped.

    Sunday, September 12

    Thursday, Friday & Weekend Damages (9/9 - 9/12)

    • $0
    •  $26.08 - Hess (gas for the trip to Skaneateles NY  for the Shaver/Mahoney wedding)
    • $78.95 - Rue La La (TART Boutique)  

    Sooo I caved to the Tart Infinity dress. I have an almost identical dress from Two Birds, or is it A Bird, or Flock of Birds...well whatever it is, something with a bird in the name.  I bought my first convertible dress as a bridesmaids dress. Now while I was at first kinda horrified by the concept, and confused by the plethora of styling options and length of the straps, I have grown to love this thing.

    After this summers weddings (4 out of 5 so far) I have grown to hate all of my dresses and decided that it was time for something new. So naturally I wanted to add a dress that I can wear over and over again and just switch up the style making it into a whole new dress...making the Tart Infinity Dress the perfect choice, especially b/c it was on sale! I went with black because first off, I don't have a plain black dress, and secondly I could really jazz up a black dress with some crazy loud shoes...and you know how I love my shoes.
    • $10 - Skaneateles Country Club (tips at open bar)
    • $$$ - Wedding Gift (no need to reveal amount)

    Not only was the Skaneateles Country Club the site of dear Shaver's weddings, but it was also the place where I met my favorite artist, Patience Brewster. Don't worry, I was very well behaved. I said hello, shook her hand and then froze like a small child meeting Big Bird. I then proceeded to watch her (like a hawk) from afar for the remainder of the wedding.

    Obsessed with all of her artwork, particularly her Krinkle Christmas Ornaments. Love. I brought a Krinkle with me to ask her to sign, but chickened out, even though her daughter assured me she'd be flattered. Sigh.

     Harold the Camel. One of my favorite Krinkles ever.

    So obviously, all in all it was a great weekend...aside from the speeding ticket I got on the drive home. So sad, it ended my 7 year streak of no moving violations. (Parking tickets are another story)

    • $27.00 - Red Apple Gas Station
    • $$$ - Unknown amount to the lame state of NY, for above mentioned speeding ticket. Apparently they wait until you mail your ticket in to tell them you're not going to fight it in court to tell you how much you owe them, seems a little shady to me.
    • $26.55 - PetCo (Maggie Mae Supplies, they don't have her brand of dog food at the local place...grrr)
    • $50 - Fast Lane (stupid freaking toll violation in a company truck...lame)

    Wednesday, September 8

    Fabulous Gift

    Court (aka Agatha) got me a travel pillow from Brookstone as a fabulous gift for finishing school. It's going to make my life much more bearable when stuck on a plane to and from Greece and India. 

    Thanks Court!!!

    Tuesday & Wednesday Damages (9/7 -9/8)

    • $50.09 - Roche Brothers
    • $3.00 - Dunkin Donuts (medium, iced, black, and tip)
    The latest happenings (aside from my purchases, but that will have a dramatic impact on said purchases)...

    Well as you all know I'm done with school :) but for any of you that know me, I have a hard time sitting still. So here's what I've been up to/am planning on keeping me busy and my newly found free time.
    1. Trip to Greece at the end of the month
    2. Taking a volunteer trip to India in February to help HIV/AIDS positive children and their families (by the way I am now accepting tax deductible sponsorships for my trip!! There's a link on the side of the blog that will take you to the Cross Cultural Solutions page where you can search for me by name)
    3. Signed up to be a Big Sister with the Big Brothers/Big Sister Foundation
    4. Picking up Maggie Mae the weekend of October 8th (commence dog walking and puppy parks!)
    5. Training for a race of some sort (most likely another half-marathon)
    6. Actually getting to spend some time with my friends. :)

        Monday, September 6

        Astonishing August

        Travel - $225
        Clothing - $110
        Gifts - $105
        Bars/Restaurants - $91
        Groceries - $89
        Crap - $66
        Maggie Mae assessories - $63
        Shoes - $58
        Gasoline - $50
        Snacks - $20
        Coffee - $12
        Health and Beauty - $11

        For a grand total of....$900.

        Not all that bad really. Not bad at all.

        Labor Day Long Weekend Damages (9/3 - 9/5)

        • $3.18 - Irving
        • $14.51 - Panera
        • $3.88 - Dunkin Donuts (Iced Coffees, but got charged for hot coffees...nice)

        Friday, September 3

        Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Damages (9/1-9/3)

        • $0
        • $2.56 - Iced Coffee @ Dunks
        • $28.97 - Gas and car wash (which left my car dirty...awesome) @
        • $0