We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Sunday, October 31

Friday & Weekend Damages (10/29 - 10/31)

  • $1.95 - Dunkin Donuts (hot coffee...Aaron's out of town for work and he usual makes the coffee, I haven't mustered up the motivation to make my own in the morning so Dunks it is!)
  • 10.60 - Stop & Shop
  • $240.61 - Sudbury Animal Hospital
Today was not such a good day. I got home in time to take Maggie for a walk and get her to the vet to have that lump looked at. Instead, I returned home to find that Maggie had been sick, very sick, all over the condo. I took her out immediately and noticed that she was peeing blood, a little unnerving...I'll leave it at that without going into more detail. I of course couldn't help but to connect these symptoms to the tumor like growth in her leg. Partly because I worry about the health and happiness of my pets and partly because we lost our last family dog  (Alix) to cancer when she was only 6 (the same age as Maggie).

Awesome Alix

So obviously I was instantly concerned and began running around like a maniac to get everything ready to get her to the vet, even though  it was a bit early for our appointment.

So anyways, here's the prognosis. The lump is just a fatty tumor (thank jebus), which will need to be removed if it gets any bigger and she has a very, very bad urinary tract infection. So we started her on antibiotics immediately. You could tell she was feeling terrible on Friday night, but by Saturday she was acting much more normal, and Sunday has been even better. She's still not 100%, but she's on the road.

So needless to say, the b-day cupcakes were put on hold for a couple of days. We didn't want to give her anything too exciting since her stomach was clearly not feeling well (the vet said that intense pain can induce vomiting...poor nugget). She's been eating brown rice and boiled chicken (which I should note that I had to cook myself b/c Aaron still wasn't back from his business trip, it was filthy! I don't know what about cooking animal flesh is so appealing to you carnivores out there) to keep it nice and bland for her tummy. She finally got one of her birthday cupcakes on Sunday. And she LOVED it!

    • $31.74 - Pizza (Aaron got employee of the year, YAY, so I treated him to a super fancy pizza night...I know, I know, I'm too kind)
    • $21.83 - Natick Liquors
    • -$3.19 - PetSmart (returned the gentle leader since Maggie refuses to walk with it on/rubs her nose until it's raw when it's on, and purchased a bag of dog food...she didn't love the kind we got her originally so she's going bad to what she was given at my parents)
    • $0
    No time for spending...it's cupcake Sunday. On the menu this Sunday...Streusel Cupcakes. Think a homemade Drake's Coffee Cake, because that's what we're working with here. Delicious!

    Happy Halloween!

    Friday, October 29

    Happy Birthday Maggie Mae!

     Note: This is not Maggie, but another adorable dog that popped up when I googled "Dog Birthdays"

    Today is the day of Maggie's 6th Birthday....sadly no she does not smell cake. She smells CUPCAKES! Yes, I did. I made her birthday cupcakes. They have yet to be frosted, but I made the little cakes themselves last night. Maggie was very interested.

    Peanut Butter Delight Doggy Birthday Cake

    1 cup white or whole wheat flour
    1 tsp baking soda
    1/4 cup peanut butter
    1/4 cup vegetable oil
    1 cup shredded carrots
    1 tsp vanilla
    1/3 cup honey
    1 egg

    Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C)
    Mix together flour and baking soda. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into a ring mold sprayed with a nonstick spray for 40 minutes. 

    Cinnamon Frosting

    Combine the following ingredients and blend thoroughly: 
    12 ounces nonfat cream cheese (room temperature)
    3 tsp cinnamon
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 tsp honey

    I may have cooked them a tad too long, I didn't account for their cupcakeness in the timing, the recipe was timed for cooking an actual cake. Something tells me that Maggie won't mind though.

    Sadly, Maggie has to go to the vet today, not the best way to spend her birthday I know. I found a mass on her front right leg earlier this week so it needs to get looked at ASAP, for obvious reasons. Hopefully it's just a fatty mass. Fingers crossed. Feel free to send her some of your good karma.

    (You're probably wondering what this has to do with being a conscious consumer, let me explain! How much more conscious can you be you decide to make your own food...or your dogs...instead of buying something processed, more expensive, and chances are not local. Besides, this blog is morphing into an amalgamation of the latest happenings in my/Maggie's life and my consumer decisions. Enjoy!)

    Thursday, October 28

    Tuesday - Thursday Damages (10/26 - 10/28)

    • $4.50ish - Dunkin Donuts (Iced Coffees after a long day in the field)
    • $28.32 - Hess
    • $0
    • $2.45 - Dunkin Donuts
    • $10.60 - Stop & Shop (ingredients for Maggie's birthday cake)

    Wednesday, October 27

    Wants...but not Needs...

    Anna Sheffield Necklace on Rue La La. $129 from $253.

    Gaiam Balance Ball Chair on Rue La La. $79 from $99
    Just think of how this could help with my posture at work! 

     Smartwool Shirt on Steep and Cheap. $29.99 from $74.95

    A dog cake for Maggie's 6th B-day (This Friday). $28 from The Barkery.
    So...I'm not going to buy her a cake...but I may try to bake her one myself. I found some recipes that look interesting.

    Tuesday, October 26

    Monday Damages (10/25)

    Let the Christmas shopping begin!
    • $40 - Groupon ($20 for $40 worth of goods at The Body Shop, I bought 2)
    There was also another purchase I made today for a certain someone for Christmas. I cannot however disclose the amount or the location of this purchase b/c that would ruin the surprise, and we don't want that now do we.

    Monday, October 25

    Weekend Damages (10/23 - 10/24)

    • $80 - Birthday Cash to Aaron's brothers (one of them got his a couple of months late...par for the course with me)
    • $0
    While I didn't really spend all that much this weekend, I was incredibly busy! Maggie took her first trip to western mass and met Aaron's family, which went very well aside from her barking at his aunt...who is kinda scared of dogs. AND I cooked/baked up a storm this weekend! I have to say I'm pretty impressed with myself.

    Here's what I made...corn chowder (time to use up the endless ears of corn that I've been cutting the kernels off of and freezing), homemade veggie soup (used up the cabbage, corn and other easily accessible veggies), cookies-n-cream cupcakes (I am completely obsessed with cupcakes these days), and homemade dog treats (peanut butter flavor).

    These little cheesecake nuggets of deliciousness are definitely added to the "bake again" list. 

    You're probably wondering why I would take the time to make dog treats from scratch, so let me explain. First off, dog treats are expensive and making them yourself is super easy and way cheaper. Second, I can't pronounce half of the ingredients in an ordinary box of dog treats, which is concerning. And thirdly, it really doesn't take all that much time or effort, particularly when you just cut them into squares with a pizza slicer. While the little dog bone shape is adorable and does make it obvious that they're not for human consumption (not that it would hurt you), it takes way too much time and really the dog could care less what shape they are. So really it's a no brainer. Save money, and know that you're not pumping your pup full of preservatives.

    Just in case you want to make them yourselves, here's the easiest recipe I've found...and the pups seem to enjoy it. 

    Peanut Butter Poppers

    2 cups of Whole Wheat Flour
    1 cup of Milk
    1 cup of Peanut Butter
    1 tbsp of Baking Powder

    Mix dry ingredients together and in separate bowl mix together wet ingredients. Add wet to dry. Roll out to 1/4" thick and cut into desired shape. Place on greased cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes on 375. 
    (I just throw it all in bowl, none of this wet to dry nonsense. I also don't bother greasing the sheet. I know I'm not the best at following directions, but whatever, it works).


    Saturday, October 23

    It's getting to be that time again...

    Yes folks, Christmas is right around the corner...and I'm definitely not one to leave my shopping until the last minute. Would you expect any less of me? So per usual for this time of year, I already have my shopping list up and running. It's important to have a plan of attack people! I will most likely start the actual shopping acts in the next week...stay tuned.

    So anyways, I thought I'd offer up a small piece of advice. Last year before Christmas I started a checking account solely for the purpose of holiday shopping, and it was the best idea ever (please note, I did not think of this, it was a borrowed idea from my friend Hilary, thanks Hilary). It's a nice alternative to freaking out right around Christmas every year b/c I haven't budgeted for any of the gifts that I want to buy my family and friends, which is usually followed by me buying them anyways and then eating white rice until they're paid for. It's a strategy I highly suggest.

    Friday, October 22

    Thursday & Friday Damages (10/21 - 10/22)

    • $0
    • $17.60 - USPS (stamps...I know, try to contain your excitement)
    • $10.00 - Town of Natick (dog license)
    On a totally unrelated note...I dislike dog haters. Actually, more like HATE.

    A woman in the condo complex told me today on her way from her car to her building that "we don't really have dogs running around in the grass here hon ( I should note that calling me hon immediately incites anger and you will not get a nice response from me), that's where kids play." Clearly not a dog lover. All Maggie was doing was playing with a stick AND she was no where near this woman and was on a leash. I chose to ignore her. Well actually, first I asked her if she was serious and if she had looked around at the number of dogs that live here...and then turned around and continue to play with Maggie. She apparently went inside and immediately called property management on me.

    John, the property manager, who clearly wasn't excited to relay this shrews message, came out (literally immediately) to talk to me. The conversation went something like this.

    John: Do you live here?
    Me: Yes, do you?
    John: I'm the property manager. So, technically we don't allow dogs, and they shouldn't be on the green spaces. 
    Me: Seriously, you are aware that there are a ton of dogs living in this complex.
    John: Yes, I know. I'm sorry. I have a golden retriever (you could see his annoyance at having to tell me to stop my dog from having fun at this point, but that wretched beast was probably peering out from behind her blinds watching him).
    Me: Okay, so let me get this straight. As long as the dogs aren't in the "old peoples" way and have no fun in any way shape or form, we're good. 
    John: Yeah, pretty much. 
    Me: Fascinating and completely ridiculous. (Laughed and walked away as I talked to Maggie about going home to stare at the wall and stay out of the old peoples' way)

    I ran into this problem at my condo complex in FL when I lived down there, over and over again. I have to say it wore on me, and towards the end it was literally outright war with some people. I don't see this ending well for this woman. Guess who's building we'll be walking Maggie around and around and around! Next time mind ya business lady.

    Why do some older folk hate fun? Any and all theories are welcome.

    Thursday, October 21

    Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Damages (10/18 - 10/20)

    • $0
    • $6.21 - Dunkin Donuts (coffee and some munkins)
    In other news...Maggie got her first bath in Natick today. She did not love it. While she is a lab...she does not heart water. Apparently she missed the memo that she has webbed feet.

      • $0

      Sunday, October 17

      Weekend Damages (10/16 - 10/17)

      • $5.44 - Weston Nurseries (used my groupon and went a bit over...bought a large pumpkin, and a ton of tulip and parrot tulip bulbs...going to pretty up the front)
      • $25.58 - Roche Brothers
      • $37.16 - Natick Liquors (fear not the wine drought has ended and we are now fully stocked...for now anyways)
      • $28.17 - Bed Bath and Beyond (went in looking for a rug but came out with a fabulous cupcake cookbook and some odds and ends)

       So maybe this wasn't an entirely necessary purchase, what will the advent of the internet and all...BUT I have already made the Snickerdoodle cupcake featured in this lovely book and let me tell you...holy deliciousness! Apparently I can in fact bake, it's just cooking actual meals (you know like a nutritious dinner) where things get a little dodgy. I think it's because I much prefer the outcome of a baking expedition, I will pick dessert over dinner every time...hands down.

      "7-minute" frosting (which took longer than 7, minutes)...light, fluffy and delicious. 

      Snickerdoodle Cupcake Deliciousness.
      Aaron says they "taste like fall." I have no idea what that means, but he says it's a good thing.

      • $5 - Dunkin Donuts (iced coffees)
      • $47.51 - Petsmart (Maggies nail filing, gentle leader, new tag, and a bone for being so good)
      • $20.95 - CVS

      Product Update: My new leg warmers....awesome. I wore them on a run this morning and was obsessed with them. Obsessed.

      Maggie Mae Update: Maggie Mae's legal name according to her Certificate of Pedigree is actually "Bows Magic Maggie Mae." (How awesome is that!) The daughter of Rock River James Bull (black lab) and Copper Icy Brooke (chocolate lab). Her siblings boast such regal names as Kodie Jr. the Bear, Klink's Ice, and Pasha Precious Kleinwolterink. Looking through her paperwork has been fascinating. Maybe the fact that her dad was a black lab explains why she's a bit larger than your typical chocolate lab?

      Bows Magic Maggie Mae continues to bleed my wallet dry. She's also been doing a number on Aaron's. He bought three new area rugs this weekend in an effort to save the floors...I, of course, offered aesthetic advice. Hopefully filing her nails and the new rugs will be enough to keep the floors from being destroyed, I think it will. Filing left her nails smooth instead of sharp, jagged, and horrible like clipping them usually does. I highly recommend it for all you dog owners out there.

      Friday, October 15

      Thursday & Friday Damages (10/14 - 10/15)

      • $11.89 - CVS
      • $25 - Bloomspot (Wine and cheese pairing at La Voile on Newbury)
       Never been there...love wine...love cheese...what's there to lose?

        Thank you jebus! The weekend is finally here. Well folks, I'm back to 5 day work weeks now that I'm done with grad school and let me tell you it's not really all that sweet. Sure it's nice not to have to get up at 5am every Friday to drive up to NH for a full day of classes only to turn around and drive home again...but 5 whole days of work. Ew.  I'm hoping that I will settle back into working normal hours quickly, but well...I don't really have a choice now do I.

        In other news, this will be the first weekend home in close to a month, and our first weekend home with the Magster. So of course the good ole' "To Do" list is quite lengthy. We'll have to see how much we can get through. First up is we have to find some area rugs before Maggie completely destroys the hardwoods, she's already well on her way.

          Thursday, October 14

          Future Purchases

          There are a couple of items I envision myself purchasing in the very near future...

          A gentle leader for Maggie. He excitement over all the new smells in "the Tick" have lead to her dragging me through our walks together, and after having been through this before with Megs and Snickers I know that it will end with me having to see a chiropractor twice a week  until I can get her to walk at a more manageable speed. (important to note that I'm only 5'4" and my little legs have a hard time keeping up)

           I have very exciting news...Toms makes boots!!! Wrap boots to be exact. I have been wanting a pair of flat boots, all of mine have heels...not exactly the most practical when there's 6" of snow on the ground. But buying boots is a problem for me, you see I have this problem...I have man calves. Please recall my distress over the Hunter Boot fiasco, when I had to order the "Huntress" model from England so that my legs had enough room to breath/I could take them off without assistance. So, since these boots are essentially a pair of toms shoes with an adjustable strap that you wrap up and around your leg, you can see how perfect they are for me! Not to mention they're vegan and made from recycled materials, AND a pair of shoes is donated to a child in need for every purchase. It's like charitable shopping for sustainable shoes...so perfect for me.You can expect me to be purchasing these some time in the future.

          In other news...
          I had reported that I would be purchasing a new rain coat and a robe a ways back I believe. Well since winter is fast approaching the rain coat will most likely wait until spring, why bother when I can just wear my waterproof winter coat? I've also cooled to the idea of a robe. I'm quickly learning that taking Maggie out in the morning (my reasoning for needing the robe) is a 2 second ordeal. I clip on her retractable leash, open the door, she sprints out, does her business in record time, and charges back in the house...so really, what's the point of a robe? I don't need it, so I won't buy one (GROWTH!).

          Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Damages (10/11 - 10/13)

          • $0
          • $45 - Living Social (Floga deal)
          • $6.45 - PhotoWorks (prints from Greece for presents for Aaron's family...FREE SHIPPING! God I love free shipping)
          • $26.70 - P.F. Changs (dinner with the gals)
          • $120 - Salty Dogs Obedience (Maggie's dog walker/soon to be trainer, once I get her a gentle leader and she gets a bit more settled...we'll have her jumping through flaming hoops in no time...kidding) 
          • $19.00 - Lululemon (vinyasa leg warmers...and they're so much cooler than the old school LA Gear pink leg warmers I had when I was 8)

            So I've been out of the work out routine for ehhh about a year and a half now, pretty much the entire time I've been in school aside from a run here and a yoga class there. So it's about time I got back into shape, just in time for the frigid months of winter...perfect timing! Blech. BUT at least I have my sweet new leg warmers to get me in the working out mood! (sometimes you need something fun and new to get your motivated..or at least I do)

            So anyways, a deal came up on Living Social (one of the many site I visit daily to peruse for a good local deal) for two months of unlimited yoga at Floga Yoga Studio in Newton, MA. Although they don't have the best schedule and are a tad bit out of the way for me, you just can't beat $45 for two months of "all-you-can-yoga." So I'm going to give it a try. If I don't love it I will just go back to my tride and true Prana Yoga Studio, which I love but it gets pricey (as they all do). As for running, I think I need to find a new doc ASAP to take another look at my leg. I still have a lump on it from my July 4th soccer injury, and it hurts from time to time (constantly) so running might not be the best idea.

              • $1.98 - Dunkin Donuts (medium, hot, black...first hot coffee of the season...ew)
              • $2.45 - Dunkin Donuts (medium, iced, black...hat to cool down after a long day in the field)
              • $11.70 - The VT Country Deli (delicious take-and-back mac and cheese)
              I spent Wednesday tromping through the woods of VT helping a coworker out with three delineations. It was a good day. A long day (hence the two cups of coffee)...but a good day.

                So Perty

                Hmmm...I like.

                Chaco's on Steap and Cheap. $29.99 from $69.95.
                I'm not really sure why I wanted these when I saw them. I had a pair in this style a ways back and they would make my pinkie toe fall asleep every time I wore them, so I gave them to a friend. Plus, I already have a pair of Chaco Z2's

                Mountain Hardware pack on Steep and Cheap. $169.99 from $339.95.
                My pack is on the smaller side and eventually I feel that a larger pack will be necessary...but not today (you know, maybe I actually need a use in mind before I drop $170?? That's growth people).

                Incredibly impracticable boots from some boutique on Rue La La (forget to save the name of it). $229 from $565 (something tells me that I just don't need shoes this expensive, again...growth).

                PetGlo Art from All Pop Art Boutique on Rue La La. $199 for a 16x20"
                You've probably starting to think with all mytalk of Maggie Mae that I'm one of "those" dog parents...and you'd be right. I love dogs more than some people, and I'm not ashamed to say it. I have been debating over whether or not to get a blow up of Maggie's nose (I love a good dog nose) to put over the bed in her room (yes her room, the spare room is referred to as Maggie's room). This seemed like it would be even cooler, but I missed out, and I'm going to be honest...I think I should have bought it. Damn.

                Tuesday, October 12

                Life Changing/Spending Changing Event

                And that event my friends...is called Maggie Mae. (formerly spelled Maggie May by my rents, but I enjoy Mae far more).

                She has arrived...and I'm already feeling very sleep deprived, which I can only hope passes as she gets more comfortable at our place.

                Maggie has only been living in Natick (which I'm considering calling "the tick" from now on because it grows on you, but haven't completely made up my mind yet) since Sunday afternoon and I can already tell that some things are going to have to change. For started I changed my hours at work to 7-4, so I have to get up a bit earlier these days, but it allows me to get home a bit early (and miss the brunt of the traffic) to get her out, walked, and fed. I can also tell that some of the decor is going to have to change around the old homestead. For example, we're going to have to buy a runner for the hallway, because Maggie the delicate flower that she is seems to having trouble charging down the hall without her feet slipping out from under her. A larger carpet under the kitchen table may also be warranted so she doesn't slam into the wall anymore when chasing her toys. The additional carpet will also help keep the floors from becoming a scratched up mess...an added bonus. We will also have to get used to the fact that glasses will inevitably be lost to the wrath of Ms. Mae's incessantly wagging tail.

                Other expected routine costs include nail trimmings (she needs professional wrangling for this task to be accomplished successfully), toy purchases, food (to keep the bottomless pit fed and happy), cleaning products, chewies (AKA raw hides), dog walking/training (courtesy of Salty Dog Obedience owned and operated by Heather Marusa, I highly recommend her), car detailings, and fragile object replacements (vases, glasses, etc.). It's all worth it though, I've missed having a pup around. I am however terrified at the prospect of having to take her for walks this winter, god it's going to be cold...which bring me to another possible purchase resulting from Maggie's arrival...the purchase of a full-length down coat (I would prefer a down-alternative however).

                Please note: Aaron made a very conscious dog harness purchase the day we got Maggie (the new surrounding and excitment has lead to some pulling issues)...The New Earth Soy Comfort Wrap Dog Harness. She loves it. 

                In pink because she's a lady. :)

                Weekend Damages (10/9-10/10)

                Saturday (Wrentham Outlet Day)
                • $151.64 - Banana Republic
                • $39.78 - Polo
                • $21.99- Staples
                • $4.something - Dunks (iced coffees)
                So I did a bit of shopping on Saturday, and I'll have you know that I did quite well. I walked away from the outlets with 3 pairs of dress pants, two camisoles, a cardigan, a sweater, two t-shirts, and a beach towel (random, yes, but also necessary). Not bad for a total of $191 if I do say so myself.

                I should note that I had every intention of spending $100 on a new pair of Joe's Jeans, but they didn't have my size. Maybe next time.

                • $31.01 - Hess
                • $19.61 -CVS
                • $-215 - half of the framing costs from Aaron

                Friday, October 8

                Thursday & Friday Damages (10/7 - 10/8)

                • $1.25 - Diet Pepsi (much needed caffeine boost)
                • $5.54 - USPS (mailing in the form for my stupid NY ticket from a ways back...just getting around to that)
                • $0
                So we'll have to see what the weekend brings. I am planning on heading to the Wretham outlets (if I can stomach the crowds of people) to get some new work clothes. The recent drop in temperatures has left me with the realization that my winter wardrobe of appropriate work clothing is painfully lacking. So here's the conundrum though, out of all the stores at Wrentham (J.Crew, GAP, Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, etc.) how many of them pay their employees (and I'm talking about the people who make the clothes, not the execs.) fare wages? i.e. this stuff isn't coming from some "fare trade zone" in some developing country. I don't like my chances of finding anything from a company that I don't think is a bunch of jerks. Sigh. I'm open to any and all suggestions of stores/brands that are actual decent.

                We'll see how it goes.

                  Perhaps Justifiable?? Or not...

                  Ooohhh did I want these things! But no worries, I resisted.

                  Prana Sweatshirt on SteepandCheap. $24.99 from $69.95.

                  SOG Utility Tool on SteepandCheap. $49.99 from $114.95. This would just be incredibly useful in so many ways.

                  Titanium flatware from backcountry.com through SteepandCheap. $7.99 from $15.95.

                  Blurr Hellion Pants on SteepandCheap. $31.99 from $71.95.
                  These would be so perfect for field work.

                   Osprey pack on SteepandCheap. $112.99 from $258.95.

                  Thursday, October 7

                  Spectacular September

                  Another month gone, and here's the damage...

                  Total: $2,100
                  (approximately, I'm not entirely sure how much money I spent in Athens but I just factored in how much I converted and ran with that)

                  The Breakdown:
                  Travel - $1,325 (this includes money spent and the hotels once we got there, only a portion of them were paid before we left, I just buy $1,325 worth of stuff while we were away, that would be a tad excessive)
                  Gifts - $200
                  Entertainment - $91
                  Bars/Restaurants (including bars at weddings) - $84
                  Gas - $82
                  Random Crap - $82
                  Clothing - $79.95
                  Health and Beauty - $67
                  Groceries - $51
                  Maggie Mae - $26.55
                  Coffee - $11.78
                  Snacks - $1.25

                  So I realized that I made a slight omission in my frenzy to get ready to leave on vacation. I purchased the Alibi special being offered on Rue La La a ways back and never reported it. It was for two signature drinks and a bottle of wine for two at the Boston bar/lounge Alibi, if you haven't been there before it's a pretty good time, granted it gets a bit crowded later in the night on the weekends. It cost $39, the exact amount of the credit that I had sitting in my account, just waiting to be spent. Well friends, I spent it.

                  We all knew this was going to be a heavy hitter of a month, given the fact that I was traveling for a decent portion of it. I counted everything that was spent in Greece on this month's tally just to make thing easy for myself.

                  New Online Shopping Discoveries

                  So as you all know by now I just got back from vacation, and like any of you would if they were just getting back from not having checked your email in 11 days, I spent a lot of time weeding through junk emails. As such, I have been unsubscribing from no less than a gazillion online stores that send me countless updates on every insignificant sale they're running. It's actually quite freeing, and maybe it will help me in spending less time shopping online and more time doing something more important...like blogging (right?).

                  Anyways, there were a couple of emails for new shopping sites that my friends (ever supporting of my goal of ceasing to shop so mindlessly, a goal which I fear I'm failing miserably at) invited me to, and I have to say I was intrigued, so I chose to sign up for two of them.

                  The Clymb and SniqueAway.

                  The Clymb is kind of like Rue La La, only the boutiques are all for outdoor gear/outdoor brands. For example right now they're running deals on Acorn (slippers), and Alite (sleeping bags and bags). Clearly this site is right up  my alley. My only complaint is that they've been running the same deals since I signed up on Tuesday, so they're getting a bit stale for me at this point. I wish they had a higher turnover. I bore easily and would like some new product to peruse. BUT one thing that I must mention is that they ship all of your purchases 100% carbon neutral, which is absolutely fabulous!

                  SniqueAway, sells exactly what you would think it sells. Getaways for various fabulous location all over the place, much like Jetsetter (which I also check out every now and again, mostly just because they have deals on places that I drool over traveling to, like Bhutan, Bali, Africa, etc.). As far as I can tell so far, SniqueAway has slightly less exotic destination choices, but still some great deals.

                  So anywho, I thought I'd share my recent discoveries in case any of you had an interest in snagging an ever elusive deal.

                  Tuesday & Wednesday Damages (10/6 & 10/7)

                  • $2.43 - Dunkin Donuts (iced coffee to start my  morning, god how I missed them)
                  • $2.66 - Panera (Cinnamon crunch bagel with cream cheese...another thing I missed)
                  • $5. 23 - Starbucks (some Pumpkin spice latte thing and a sugary treat)
                  • $24.32 - Roche Brothers (food for dinner and some other very random stuff that I passed and bought because it was on sale)
                  Is it just me or do you get back from vacation and have a need to buy the things you feel you've been deprived of while you were away? In my case, iced coffee and bagels...obviously it was going to be food of some sort, what else would it be?

                  • $8.42 - Russo's Market (delicious salad bar and macaroons)
                  • $50 - American Cancer Society (donation for D's walk against breast cancer)

                  • $465.62 - Michael's Crafts
                  Okay, so you're probably a little shocked over the amount of money dropped at a crafts store. Let me explain. Aaron and I bought a plethora of paintings while in Greece, and believe it or not I still have a print that I bought when I was in Africa way back in 2002 that needed to be framed. Michael's was having a 60% off sale on custom framing so I couldn't resist. So we got three pieces framed for ourselves, which came to something like $250 or so, then got two pieces custom framed for friends/family for present (getting started on Christmas a little early), and then bought a bunch of do it yourself frames for some smaller prints, which we'll be giving out as gifts.

                  So while spending close to $500 on framing is a bit steap, I think it's totally worth it. I like to buy art and/or jewelry whenever I go on a trip, and what's the point if you don't get it framed and take care of it when you get back? I mean come on now, it only makes sense. Not to mention we did save a lot of money with that whole 60% off thing.

                  I should also mention that Aaron will be reimbursing me for some of the cost of the framing, so really the final cost won't be quite so high. Side note: you should have seen his eyes bug out of his head when the lady told me the total. AND some of these are Christmas presents...so we're getting a head start on the holidays already.

                    Tuesday, October 5

                    The Greek Lowdown

                     So I should start this post by telling you that there's just absolutely no way I am going to account for every penny I spent in Greece. It's just way to much work and I have neither the time nor patience for such an undertaking. Suffice it to say I did a healthy amount of shopping and a healthier amount of eating while in Greece.

                    Here are some of the highlight purchases...
                    • Many, many, many paintings (presents for Aaron and I, family and some friends)
                    • Ouzo (booze for the brother)
                    • Jewelry (for myself and family)
                    • Olive oils soap (presents for my mom, aunt, and nan)
                    • T-shirts (for me, and my dad)
                    As for the food....delicious. Did you know that you could get a vegetarian gyro! Holy hell is it delicious. Also, they put french fries in the gyros in Greece. Genius.

                     Sunset in Naxos.

                    Some other interesting tidbits I picked up on while I was gallivanting about...
                    • There isn't any lettuce in a greek salad in greece. Just cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, feta, olives, and capers (sometimes)
                    • Feta is so much more delicious in Greece
                    • Sea-band bracelets are a savior for anyone who gets seasick
                    • Baklava isn't all that prevalent 
                    • Stray dogs and cats are everywhere (cue me wanting to adopt each and every one of them...one special pup in particular, who we named "Big Megs." If I could have figured out a way to get her through customs she'd be in the U.S. right now)
                    • There's an ungodly amount of graffiti covering every surface other than protected ruins in Athens
                    • My fear of fish runs deep
                    • The London Heathrow Airport is the most miserable airport in the world, which I will avoid like the plague from this day forward.

                    Monday, October 4

                    Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Damages

                    • $39.70 - Jerry Remmy's (pre-game drinks)
                    • $26.70 - Fenway (drinks)
                     Sadly...we lost, but \te good news is that the tickets were free (thanks Chrissy!).

                    • $67 - Ouidad (time for a hair product reorder..free shipping!!)
                     66 ounces...remember I buy in bulk. :)

                    • $0
                    AND NOW...OFF TO GREECE (well technically I'm just getting back from Greece and just posting this belated blog entry now...but let's not be sticklers)

                    More about my trip later...but for now...jet lag delirium, food, sleep, coma....