We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Tuesday, September 14

Sweet, Sweet Tempations

Arnold Zimberg boutique on the La La. $69 from $160
Nothing says fall like plaid. No?

Prana capris on Steap and Cheap. $23.99 from $59.95

 Zobha tank on the La La. $29 from $56.

Zobha boutique on the La La. Super comfy looking top $35 from $64.

Zohba boutique on the La La. Yoga pants, $35 from $80.

All resisted! I should mention that I have a $39 credit burning a hole in my Rue La La pocket too...I returned one of the dresses I got a ways back. It wasn't quite as cute as I had hoped.


Ouidad Blog said...

Oh, those Prana capris look so incredibly comfortable! I could live in those.

What will you buy with the $39?

Katie for Ouidad

Jack Skellington said...

Already spent...I purchased a night out for two (two specialty cocktails and a bottle of wine) at Alibi Bar & Lounge at the Liberty Hotel in Boston.

Doesn't take me long. :)