We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Wednesday, September 8

Tuesday & Wednesday Damages (9/7 -9/8)

  • $50.09 - Roche Brothers
  • $3.00 - Dunkin Donuts (medium, iced, black, and tip)
The latest happenings (aside from my purchases, but that will have a dramatic impact on said purchases)...

Well as you all know I'm done with school :) but for any of you that know me, I have a hard time sitting still. So here's what I've been up to/am planning on keeping me busy and my newly found free time.
  1. Trip to Greece at the end of the month
  2. Taking a volunteer trip to India in February to help HIV/AIDS positive children and their families (by the way I am now accepting tax deductible sponsorships for my trip!! There's a link on the side of the blog that will take you to the Cross Cultural Solutions page where you can search for me by name)
  3. Signed up to be a Big Sister with the Big Brothers/Big Sister Foundation
  4. Picking up Maggie Mae the weekend of October 8th (commence dog walking and puppy parks!)
  5. Training for a race of some sort (most likely another half-marathon)
  6. Actually getting to spend some time with my friends. :)

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