We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Monday, February 7

Weekend Damages (2/5 - 2/6)

  • $0
  • $46.32 - Cheesecake Factory (lunch with the little after ice skating, which I had a groupon for and before going to see The Secret Garden at the Wheelock Family Theater) 
  • $9.56 - Sephora (nail polish...which when I went to go use last night didn't have the little brush attached to it...so I have to take it back...wicked annoying)


Unknown said...

Great job on Saturday! Did you stay at home? ;-)

As for the Sephora purchase... who can help it? That store is so fabulous!

Katie for Ouidad

Jack Skellington said...

I was actually home for most of the day aside from a bridal shower on Saturday :)

AND as far as Sephora...it gets me every time. AND they have Ouidad there. :)

Ouidad Blog said...

Exactly! They do have a wide variety of great products & brands at Sephora... including Ouidad ;-)

Katie for Ouidad