Aaron and I had a busy holiday, we went to western Mass to see his family on Christmas Even and then headed down to RI to see my family on Christmas Day.
Here's some of the items I purchased/split with Aaron for his family and mine...
- Amazon gift card - my brother (which he conveniently also got for me, hah)
- Blue Sky Spa gift card - my mom and my Auntie Ree
- Dachshund Krinkle ornament - my mom
- Framed picture of Aaron and I - Auntie Ree
- Pandora bead & bracelet from Greece - My Nan
- Dunks gift card & some sort of lawn mower attachment - Dad
- Pandora bracelet & Flying Pig Krinkle ornament & framed picture of Aaron and I from Greece- Aaron's mom
- Computer games - Aaron's stepdad (Aaron bought them a new computer)
- Heated motorcycle jacket - Aaron's brother
- Video game & Celtics hoodie - Aaron's other brother
- Framed painting from Greece & Body Shop Body Butter - Aaron's Aunt
- Opa-Opa gift card (Restaurant/Brewery) & framed picture of us - Aaron's grandparents
- Framed pictures of Greece & Dunks gift card- Aaron's Uncle
I'm positive I'm leaving some stuff out, but it's just too hard to remember it all...I said it all got a little out of hand, I wasn't kidding.
So every year my family (myself included) say we're going to cut back...in all regards, presents, food, the whole shpeal...we never do. This year was no exception. Here's what I hauled home (in no particular order), the poor car felt every mile.
- $$$ for my trip to India
- Scratch tickets (which I'm not sure...but I think one is worth $400!!! I have to take it in to see, I don't understand the world of scratch tickets and just assume I am reading it wrong)
- Robe and bath set (YAY, now I don't have to take Maggie out in the morning wrapped in a blanket...it's a pretty safe bet that my neighbors think I'm insane)
- Lots of body creams, soaps shampoos, conditioners, and general smell good accuturments
- Candles
- Gift Cards (Dunks, Shell, Amazon, Barnes and Noble)
- Cold Hard Cash
- Random baking and cooking supplies (such as non-stick reusable cupcake liners! and a new powdered sugar shaker, to replace the one that was stolen from me at work...still annoyed about that whole situation. Bunch of theives)
- Underwear and sleeping clothes...the weirdest of these was a "nightgown" from my Aunt that she purchased with my mom...it's essentially lingerie...No, it is lingerie, which is super fun to open in front of your dad and older brother...who them immediately glare at Aaron, which my mom and Aunt thought was hysterical. Super.
- Renewal of National Geographic
- Mad Gab (board game)
- Reusable shopping bag that folds up into a nice little package so it fits nicely in a purse
- Food stuffs (sunflower seeds, cookies, candy, etc.)
- Wine, and quite a bit of it
- A "shopaholic" and "diva" coffee mug
- Countless little stocking stuffers
- Some of my Nana Juice's (who passed away) ornaments and Christmas decorations :)
- A microderm abrasion machine thing (my Aunt is concerned about the future of my face, I need to be wary of wrinkling apparently, particularly b/c I work outside so much...very harsh on the skin people)
- A weekend getaway in Stratton, VT for skiing and snowshoeing
- A KITCHEN AID MIXER! (I did NOT see this one coming, my mom and dad gave me money for my volunteer trip, so I wasn't expecting any presents...so much for scaling back!)

Just think of all the sweet treats I can whip up with this thing! I mean I love my little handheld mixer, but this thing kicks it's little white a**.
So appropriate
LOVE this!
Let's see how my knees do this ski season. That will NOT be me on the moguls, that much is certain.
Strangely enough, I really didn't get any clothes aside from my socks and underwear, oh yes and don't forget the lingerie...who could forget that. I think people have given up on that front. Hah. No worries, I do just fine filling my closets on my own.