We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Saturday, July 31

Friday's Daily Damage (7/30)

  • $300 - Cross Cultural Solutions
  • $19.65 - Whiskey Priest (I don't know why I keep giving this place a chance...loud, full of annoying meat-heads, and terrible service...such a shame b/c it has such great potential)
  • $10 - MBTA (adding $$ on my Charlie Card)
  • $50ish - Bank of America Pavilion and Bar at the Intercontinental Hotel (drinks)
TOLD you I was going to make a big purchase. Now let me explain...
Cross Cultural Solutions is a non-profit that organizes volunteer trips abroad. I will be spending 3 weeks in New Delhi, India this upcoming February, and will most likely be working with HIV/AIDS patiently, namely children and their families, but will find out for sure once I talk with my program director.

Image courtesy of Stuck in Customs

As some of you may know, I will be turning the big 3-Oh this February (the day before my program starts in India...so I'll be spending my actual b-day in an airport, boo) and what says holy hell I'm getting old better than running away to a developing country? Conveniently enough a friend of mine, who is the one who sold me on this program will also be celebrating her birthday (the insignificant 2-9) in February so we shall celebrate together over a plate of naan in India...hmmm delicious. 

I'm sure I'll be boring you with more details in the coming months, but for now suffice it to say I'm incredibly excited and also a bit nervous about this trip. It's going to be INTENSE, but amazing. Oh yes, and expensive too! BUT I plan on doing a little fundraising (a.k.a. panhandling/begging/bank robbing) to help defer the costs, think of this as a 3 week long marathon for HIV/AIDS awareness. Obviously a worthy cause, and one which you should contribute to. Oh yeah, and it's tax deductible! :)

Image courtesy of Stuck in Customs.

Friday, July 30

Wendesday & Thursday Daily Damages (7/28 - 7/29)

  • $0
  • $0
That makes 3 days in a row...haven't done that for a while. Or ever? It was needed after the spending spree that was Monday. Hopefully I will have an update for you on the soon to be big purchase too...just working out some technical difficulties at the moment. Hopefully I can get that sorted out today...

Tuesday, July 27

Monday & Tuesday Damages (7/26 - 7/27)

  • -$15.99 - Victoria's Secret (return)
  • $55.80 - Valvoline (oil change)
  • $24.43 - Hess (gasing up the beast)
  • $75.93 - Nordstrom (sleepwear...you know its time to purchase some new sleeping attire when your old stuff literally starts to disintegrate)
  • $103 - Priceline (hotel for the last night in Athens)
 Outdoor dining overlooking the Acropolis anyone?
    • $0

    Monday, July 26

    Weekend Damages (7/24-7/25)

    • $55 - Southwest Day Spa (much needed pedicure)
    • $15.93 - Grendels Den (lunch)
    • $15 - Cab
    • $36.95 - Bangkok Blue (delicious Thai restaurant on Boylston, I highly recommend it)
    • $5.25 - Sweet Cupcakes on Newbury (DELICIOUS!)

      • $11.27 - Crispy Crepes (Breakfast...nutella, strawbery and banana crepe...delicious)
      • $2.24 (I think) - Dunks (Iced Coffee, shocking I know)
      Please continue to stay tuned for my impending spending spree to be....

        Saturday, July 24

        Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Damages (7/21 - 7/23)

        • $9-ish - Strip T's (it's a sandwich joint, don't get excited)
        • $30 - Gulf (gasing up Veruca)
        • $160.87 - Hotels.com (Naxos Hotel)
        • -$19.99 - SteapandCheap (the green pants were not what I was hoping for, sadly)
        • $21.28 - UPS (shipping my dad's belated b-day present and bought a book of stamps)
        • $48.95 - Rue La La (I caved)
        • $10.52 - The Polka Dog Bakery (PB filled bones for Maggie Mae..getting ready for her!)
        • $44.45 - Beehive (Dinner with a friend)
        • $10 - Casken Flagon (drinks)
         My justification for my purchase from the Fluxus boutique on the La La...I will need comfie/cute and easy to pack clothing for Greece, and a sundress fits that bill perfectly. AND it was made in the USA. I know that the fact it was manufactured in this country doesn't mean people were paid fair wages to make it, but at least it didn't have to travel across the world (from China) to get here. It's a start. 

        BREAKING NEWS...
        I will be dropping some cash this weekend for a very exciting purchase. 
        Hold onto your seats kids...stay tuned.

          Wednesday, July 21

          Monday & Tuesday Damages (7/19 - 7/20)

          •  $5.97 - Panera
          • $2ish - Dunkin Donuts (Iced Coffee)
          • $29.71 - Westom Nurseries (herbs and a fabulous succulent for my desk at work)
          • $417.03 - Marizan Caves
          I know you're probably confused by the purchase at a "cave." Don't be alarmed, I have not yet taken up spelunking, we are staying at a hotel in Santorini that is built into the sides of the cliff, hence the cave. 

          I give you our view...

          Monday, July 19

          Weekend Damages (6/17 - 6/18)

          Big weekend...bachelorette party in Portland, ME.
          • $5.97 - Bagels at Panera before the drive
          • $59 - Money for the house rental
          • $50 - Dinner at some Italian joint in Portland
          • $120.98 - Victoria's Secret (lingerie for the bride and some odds and ends for myself)
          • $20-ish - Random Bars in Portland (impossible to track)
          • $4.06 - Dunkin Donuts (effort to cure my hangover...fail)

            Sunday, July 18

            Thursday & Friday Damages (7/15 - 7/16)

            • $31.42 - Mobil 
            • $4.17 - Snackages during a long field day at work
            • $191.44 - Hotels.com (Hotel for Hydra, Greece)
            • $210.60 - Priceline (Hotel for Athens, Greece)
            As you can see the spending spree for Greece has begun. Aaron and I were planning on just winging the entire trip once we got there, but we started to realize that having at least a shell of a plan, like a place to stay might take some of the stress out of hopping from island to island. So last night we sat down and decided on the islands we wanted to visit. We managed to narrow it down from 6 islands to 3, gives us more time to enjoy the island we go to instead of worrying about catching the next ferry. So here's the list, Athens (I realize this isn't an island, but it's where we're flying in and we plan on doing the Acropolis thing for a day), Hydra (no cars! just donkeys!!!), Santorini and Naxos.

            All that's left is to figure out the deal for Santorini and Naxos. All we know is that we want to stay in the village of Oia in Santorini, out of the way of the port/bars/noise and known for it's sunsets and peaceful setting in the cliffs. Feel free to send suggestions my way.

              •  $49.01 - Sonsie (dinner with D and Jess)

              Thursday, July 15

              Wednesday's Damages (4/14)

              • $8.32 - Panera

              AND ALSO some beautiful and delicious veggies courtesy of Farmer Dave.

              Today's catch...
              • Beets
              • Summer squash
              • Kousa squash
              • Pickling cucumbers
              • Green beans
              • Basil
              • Radishes
              • Scallions
              • Red lettuce
              • Swiss chard

                Tuesday, July 13


                Has anyone read this book?

                It's on my list of books to read. Sadly I have very little time these days to do any sort of reading for pleasure and the list/stack of/electronic versions of books waiting to entertain me (hopefully) is growing.

                September can't come soon enough. Oh hello light? Is that you?

                Monday & Tuesday Damages (7/12 - 7/13)

                • $120 - Quinn Salon (hair cut...I am now sporting a much shorter dew)
                • $0

                Monday, July 12

                Weekend Damages

                • $13 - Margaritas 
                • $33.45 - Roche Brothers (the endless quest for calories continues)
                Pretty tame weekend, sorry I couldn't be more exciting.

                Saturday, July 10

                Hmmm....Me Likey

                If anyone were every looking for a fabulous present for me, one that I would wear constantly and cherish forever...you could get me a little something from Sir Alistair Rai. Just throwing some options out there. I mean the national gift giving holidays that are Halloween and Thanksgiving are right around the corner...

                 $24 from $60 on Satya Rai.

                $28 from $70 on Satya Rai.

                $72.50 from $145 on Satya Rai. 

                $90 from $145 on Satya Rai. 

                $59 from $155 on Rue La La. 

                $79 from $175 on Rue La La. 

                Don't worry I didn't buy myself anything, even though it took every fiber of self control.

                Friday, July 9

                Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Damages (7/7 - 7/9)

                • $2.24 - Dunks (beloved iced coffee)
                • $28.93 - Johnny's Market (much needed food)
                • $21.41 - Rite Aid
                • $0
                • $24.08 - Home Goods
                • $45.84 - Target
                I know what you're thinking...that I went on a bit of a shopping spree on Friday. Well, you'd be right. I really should just avoid Target and Home Goods all together. They're both total money pits. I ran in just to grab a couple of drawer organizers, hangers and some goodies for the Kiksters upcoming birthday and well, it didn't work out quite as planned.

                This month isn't going as well as June...not nearly as well.

                Tuesday, July 6

                Joyous June

                Joyous Indeed!!!
                Would you like to know why?
                Well here's why...the grand total for the ENTIRE month of June came to an amazing...
                Making this month the cheapest month since I made my resolution to cut back on shopping/make more conscious purchases as a consumer. FINALLY!!

                Here's the breakdown...
                Gifts - $145
                Miscellaneous Stuff - $106
                Groceries - $86
                Gas - $60 (remember that I get reimbursed for a lot of my fuel costs through work, but it's just too hard to separate that out)
                Bars/Restaurants - $60
                Health & Beauty - $50
                Clothing - $41
                Coffee - $40 (yes, I do find this horrifying!)
                Snackages - $20

                Here's hoping that I can keep this up for July, although I'm already off to a less than stellar start.

                Tuesday's Daily Damages (7/6)

                • $50 - The Container Store
                • $26.50 - Steep and Cheap
                Today was not a good day as far as my will power goes. Technically I spent the $$ at The Container Store yesterday but I took the money out of the bank to give to Aaron (we split the cost) today...so I'm counting it as a purchase today.  I will be moving in with Aaron out in the burbs this September so I'm slowly starting to move things over to his place, I have no desire to move in one day especially on September 1st, when my lease is up. Any of you who have moved in or out of an apartment in Boston on September 1st know exactly what I'm talking about. It's hell.

                So anyways, the Container Store purchase was various items to help organize our lives. Between the two of us we have FAR too much stuff and it will need to be organized or I will go insane and kill myself. That being said here's some of the items we purchased (not exactly flashy so don't get excited)...

                DVD hiding devices (I do not love things out in the open). Everything should have a home.

                  Most organized spices on the block people...nevermind that I don't know what to do with them, not important.

                I realize this is kind of ummm...hideous, but it's going in the closet. Out of site, out of mind.

                Yes, this is a wrapping paper organizer. Don't judge...I will have the more organized wrapping paper on the block. Not to mention I won't have to throw any away b/c it's been crumpled up into a ball after being shoved in the back of a closet.

                As far as my purchase on Steep and Cheap...well I blame my dear friend Agatha (not her real name) for that. She brought my attention to the capris shown below, and I caved. My love for the color green and comfortable pants runs deep, I couldn't resist.

                Royal Robbins on Steep and Cheap. $19.99 from $47.95

                Monday, July 5

                Weekend Damages (7/3 - 7/5)

                Happy 4th!
                • $25 - Money to D for BBQ Food
                • $30.17 - Shell (gasing up Veruca for the drive home) 
                • $9(ish) - Dunkin Donuts (Iced Coffees after D's coffee making episode) 
                • $134.41 - Sephora (needed new makeup...Bare Essentuals, new makeup brushes and some moisturizer) 
                Big purchase at Sephora, but at least the shipping was free. This should tide me over for some time as far as makeup goes. Although I do foresee this month being a higher than usual month in the health and beauty purchase department, seeing as how I also need to get a hair cut in a bad way. 

                Friday Damages (7/2)

                • $4(ish) - Dunkin Donuts (Two Iced Coffees)
                • $26.69 - Roche Brothers (last minute stuff for the weekend festivities)

                Utah Damages (6/28 - 7/1)

                So I mentioned in my previous post, most of my expenses were covered by work, but there were a couple of things that I covered myself/purchased.
                • $10 - Tip to the shuttle driver who picked me up at the airport  (He's originally from Nigeria, used to live in Boston, and his wife wants to move back to Boston...she's not so much a fan of Salt Lake City. Also, he does not ski, regardless of the fact that he lives in ski country.)
                • $1.71 - McDonalds (should have been an iced coffee but they gave me hot coffee instead and I didn't feel like arguing)
                • $9.98 - Urban Outfitters (cute tank top)
                All in all it's been a very low cost trip AND I made some very keen and interesting observations...
                • Jay walking is an art only practiced on the east coast
                • You will be looked at like you are insane if you jay walk
                • The crowd at an environmental conference allows for endless amounts of people watching
                • Being a vegetarian in Salt Lake City is difficult at times (this is cow country)
                • Their roads are far too wide for the low volume of traffic they enjoy
                • There is far too much parking 
                • Many of the homeless are much more aggressive than their Boston counterparts (i.e. approaching you as you eat your lunch outdoors, or telling old women they should look him in the eyes...don't you worry after hearing him say that I made sure to look him dead in the eye as I told him no and to have a fabulous day...if you want money/food be nice or you get nothing!)
                • Mormons are an intense bunch, who seem to travel in packs
                • Mormons are excellent gardeners and thoroughly enjoy well manicured flower beds... at least that's the feel I got from Temple Square
                • Brigham Young is a mini celebrity
                • Encountering multiple weddings on a Tuesday afternoon is not out of the question at the Mormon Church
                • You can expect to be greeted repeatedly by young Mormons
                • Olympic Park is really just a very nice outdoor mall with a couple of bronze statues of athletes and a water park area where children freak out about jets of water
                • Salt Lake City is a clean city (most notably in the area surrounding the Mormon Temple Square)
                • The mountains surrounding the city are breathtaking