We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Saturday, July 24

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Damages (7/21 - 7/23)

  • $9-ish - Strip T's (it's a sandwich joint, don't get excited)
  • $30 - Gulf (gasing up Veruca)
  • $160.87 - Hotels.com (Naxos Hotel)
  • -$19.99 - SteapandCheap (the green pants were not what I was hoping for, sadly)
  • $21.28 - UPS (shipping my dad's belated b-day present and bought a book of stamps)
  • $48.95 - Rue La La (I caved)
  • $10.52 - The Polka Dog Bakery (PB filled bones for Maggie Mae..getting ready for her!)
  • $44.45 - Beehive (Dinner with a friend)
  • $10 - Casken Flagon (drinks)
 My justification for my purchase from the Fluxus boutique on the La La...I will need comfie/cute and easy to pack clothing for Greece, and a sundress fits that bill perfectly. AND it was made in the USA. I know that the fact it was manufactured in this country doesn't mean people were paid fair wages to make it, but at least it didn't have to travel across the world (from China) to get here. It's a start. 

I will be dropping some cash this weekend for a very exciting purchase. 
Hold onto your seats kids...stay tuned.

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