We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Tuesday, July 6

Tuesday's Daily Damages (7/6)

  • $50 - The Container Store
  • $26.50 - Steep and Cheap
Today was not a good day as far as my will power goes. Technically I spent the $$ at The Container Store yesterday but I took the money out of the bank to give to Aaron (we split the cost) today...so I'm counting it as a purchase today.  I will be moving in with Aaron out in the burbs this September so I'm slowly starting to move things over to his place, I have no desire to move in one day especially on September 1st, when my lease is up. Any of you who have moved in or out of an apartment in Boston on September 1st know exactly what I'm talking about. It's hell.

So anyways, the Container Store purchase was various items to help organize our lives. Between the two of us we have FAR too much stuff and it will need to be organized or I will go insane and kill myself. That being said here's some of the items we purchased (not exactly flashy so don't get excited)...

DVD hiding devices (I do not love things out in the open). Everything should have a home.

  Most organized spices on the block people...nevermind that I don't know what to do with them, not important.

I realize this is kind of ummm...hideous, but it's going in the closet. Out of site, out of mind.

Yes, this is a wrapping paper organizer. Don't judge...I will have the more organized wrapping paper on the block. Not to mention I won't have to throw any away b/c it's been crumpled up into a ball after being shoved in the back of a closet.

As far as my purchase on Steep and Cheap...well I blame my dear friend Agatha (not her real name) for that. She brought my attention to the capris shown below, and I caved. My love for the color green and comfortable pants runs deep, I couldn't resist.

Royal Robbins on Steep and Cheap. $19.99 from $47.95

1 comment:

Agatha said...

Those green pants are great! And I love the wrapping paper organizer. I registered for one of those bad boys.