We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Tuesday, July 27

Monday & Tuesday Damages (7/26 - 7/27)

  • -$15.99 - Victoria's Secret (return)
  • $55.80 - Valvoline (oil change)
  • $24.43 - Hess (gasing up the beast)
  • $75.93 - Nordstrom (sleepwear...you know its time to purchase some new sleeping attire when your old stuff literally starts to disintegrate)
  • $103 - Priceline (hotel for the last night in Athens)
 Outdoor dining overlooking the Acropolis anyone?
    • $0


    Stef Stevens said...

    told you this is the best thing to do!!

    Jack Skellington said...

    I know! I can't wait!!!