- $31.42 - Mobil
- $4.17 - Snackages during a long field day at work
- $191.44 - (Hotel for Hydra, Greece)
- $210.60 - Priceline (Hotel for Athens, Greece)
As you can see the spending spree for Greece has begun. Aaron and I were planning on just winging the entire trip once we got there, but we started to realize that having at least a shell of a plan, like a place to stay might take some of the stress out of hopping from island to island. So last night we sat down and decided on the islands we wanted to visit. We managed to narrow it down from 6 islands to 3, gives us more time to enjoy the island we go to instead of worrying about catching the next ferry. So here's the list, Athens (I realize this isn't an island, but it's where we're flying in and we plan on doing the Acropolis thing for a day), Hydra (no cars! just donkeys!!!), Santorini and Naxos.
All that's left is to figure out the deal for Santorini and Naxos. All we know is that we want to stay in the village of Oia in Santorini, out of the way of the port/bars/noise and known for it's sunsets and peaceful setting in the cliffs. Feel free to send suggestions my way.
- $49.01 - Sonsie (dinner with D and Jess)
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