Okay so yesterday I got an email from
moveon.org asking me to join in the
boycott of Target. This was the first I heard of it. So I had to do a little research. This is essentially what I found out...
Target donated $150,000 to a conservative right wing political campaign in Minnesota...AKA Anti-Gay.
I am for NEITHER of these aspects of the problem.
- Corporations need to stay the hell out of politics...ALL corporations. Buying your vote is not democracy. Read the definition. Thank you supreme court justices for your recent decision to entitle corporations to personhood. Super.
- I'm against anything anti-gay. period. Mind your business Target.

So in summary, yes I will be joining the boycott. BUT I'd be lying if I said that I can boycott Target without getting a little teary eyed. I mean I have already stricken Walmart from my life (not really all that hard, that store is my hell), and while I realize that Target stands for pretty much the same principles as Walmart (a big box mega corporation with too much power who is leading the charge in globalization, absolutely nothing local or sustainable about it, end of story), I will miss it. I have always turned to Target for my random life needs. Let me explain, it's just a great place to go on a lunch break to pick up everything you need and don't need in any way shape or form in one, single, beautiful shopping trip. I mean it's just so freaking convenient to buy your toilet paper, greeting cards, excessive amounts of toiletries, kitchen gadgets, and endless odds and ends under one roof...but I suppose that's their business model, eh? Jerks. They got us/me.
So friends, I will most likely be spending a bit more dough more for my trinkets and hair dye (yes, that's right I said hair dye...I inherited my father's silver locks, and am not at all ready to fully embrace it, not at all...sigh). It's probably good that this happened, it's time for me to take my conscious consumer experiment one step further.
Screw you Target, I'm out.