We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Monday, August 23

Monday's Daily Damge (8/23)

  • $75 - Williams-Sonoma 
So my brother and I are usually pretty laid back about birthdays, actually my whole family is really...and by laid back I mean people could really care less that you're another year older. Having your birthday forgotten all together is a common occurrence, as my brother learned this year (usually it's just my birthday they forget, which is truly amazing seeing as how I was a scheduled C-section and share a birthday with my uncle...but that's besides the point). So I'm just now getting around to sending him a gift card to celebrate his march towards incompetence. His birthday was August 16th, so it's not really all that late. Actually it's quite early for me. Good for me!

Anyways, this year he requested a gift card to Williams-Sonoma...random. Maybe he's be making gourmet meals in some fancy new pan he plans to buy himself? Or slicing up a storm with new top of the line knives.

OR MAYBE he's been eying a fancy acorn shaped baking sheet thing? As to better make his world famous homemade maple candies? Is that what this thing is?? Why would anyone actually need this?

Needless to say I didn't see this one coming. I think he needs to get out of California, it's changing him. If he becomes a republican he's dead to me.


Matthew Braitsch said...

WOW...Thanks there little sis. By the way posting the amount of a gift card before you even send it is a tad uncouth no? Republican...really?


Jack Skellington said...

Uncouth, unsmouth.

Since when has our family every played by those rules? Besides you knew you were getting a W&S gift card, you just didn't know for how much.

I expect pretty baked goods in the mail.