We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Monday, August 16

Impending Purchases

There are some purchases you can be expecting from me in the coming days/months/sometime in the future...

New rain coat. Every time it rains I think about how much I need a new raincoat, mine is useless. 

Hotel room in Skaneateles, NY for a wedding in September.

Birthday gift for my brother. (gift card)

Plane pillow. I have decided that I will need one of those pillows that people are always lugging around the airport. I managed to mention that to Aaron every time we walked by one in the airport this past weekend. So clearly I will need one for Greece. The pillows you can buy (lame) on the plane gross me out.

Now I realize that these things are ridiculous, so I will most likely get one of those much cooler little pack pillows that smoosh down to nothing. Then I can take it camping too. More bang for my buck. 

A robe. Clearly I will need a robe so I can let Maggie Mae out in the morning. Don't be alarmed...I will not be one of those people walking their dog in their robe. I am talking just opening the door so she can go out to the bathroom before I hop in the shower. That is all. 

I will have you know that I passed up a deal on Rue La La today for a robe. I decided that I need to do more research before making a decision. An organic cotton, fuzzy, hooded robe would be ideal. All this one is missing is the hood. It just popped up when I googled robe, google knows me so well.Plus the site is called "Sustainify," love the name and they are 1%ers, AKA donate 1% of profits to environmental charities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally, a new rain jacket!

I'm tired of you looking like a wet dog when we're out together. It's embarrassing....