We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Wednesday, November 17

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Damages (11/15 - 11/17)

  • $0
  • $0
  • $33ish - Hess
So today I met my new little sister from the Boy and Girls Club.

As her big sister I will be responsible for finding fun and fabulous things for she and I to do together. No doubt, this will cost me some cash. BUT I can't think of a more consciousness spending decision. Any and all suggestions for activities for an 8 year old are welcome. Our first outing will be to play tennis. I'm not really the greatest tennis player that ever lived...so this should be interesting it's going to be embarrassing if I get crushed by a 10 year old. Some of my other outing ideas include, sports (any and all of them, perhaps I'll teach her to play field hockey!), hiking, biking, snowshoeing, movies, dinners, etc. She's a sporty kid (does not like dolls, thank you jebus) so I'm thinking that will help me out a bit, but I'm going to need some help here. Please send a little guidance my way.

In other news from today, I got a flat tire on the Mass Pike, which was SUPER fun! I called AAA who then called the Mass State Police who then called the Mass DOT Highway Assistance people. Super efficient. I have known for some time that I need new tires, but ugh it's such a pain. Well this little incident really drove that fact home. So I will be purchasing 4 new tires either tomorrow or this weekend. Good times, good times.

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