We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Friday, November 5

Ominous October

And the survey says....

Here's the breakdown:
Maggie: $415
Clothing: $210
Gifts: $176
Bars/Restaurants: $151
Randomness: $100
Groceries: $72
Gas: $59
Entertainment: $45
Coffee: $36
Health & Beauty: $32
Snacks: $4

Well it's happened folks, Maggie has taken over the spending charts. This month marks the first month she's topped out the spending tally. I should add that this is her first month living with us. Let's see if this becomes a trend.

Also, I think it might be time to get my coffee addiction in check. $36! Woah. If I were a Starbucks girl I could understand this b/c it's damn near $36 for one coffee there, but Dunks....not so much. Not to mention I drink my first coffee of the day at home, which cuts down on the cost of my consumption significantly.

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