We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Sunday, November 28

Thursday - Sunday Damages (11/25 - 11/28)

  • $0
  • $30.60 - Shell
  • $6.93 - CVS (glue to fix the ornament my dad knocked off the tree and broke...mom was not impressed)
  • $27.60 - Natick Liquor (Wine)
  • $20.23 - Trader Joe's
  • $20 - Rue La La (present for Aaron)
Exciting news, the Trader Joes in Framingham now carries wine. YES! Three buck chuck is just a much more economical choice for my undiscerning taste buds. Too bad I just stocked up on wine and that we were there before noon on Sunday...so no wine to be sold :(

So I can tell you what I bought for Aaron, because I talked him into buying me this...

And then decided that maybe he wanted one too, his patriots shirts are looking a little tired these days so I thought it might be time for an update. So here's the one he got...

A little old school flare for the both of us, we'll have to be careful not to wear them at the same time...that would be a little much.

    1 comment:

    Kiki said...

    I wanted that shirt too! But it was sold out by the time I checked out the boutique :(