We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Thursday, January 13

Monday - Wednesday Damages (1/10-1/12)

  • $0
  • $25.60 - Fedex (sent off my application for my Visa to India!!!)
  • $94.00 - VISA
Tonight I took Sam to a Boy and Girls Club event where we got to meet Kevin Youkilis. She had a ball, it was a successful evening.

  • $0
Today was a snow day. Oh how I love snow days...here's a little glimpse into how I spent my day (probably should have focused on getting a tad more work done...but oh well)

 There was snowshoeing. Well for us...Maggie just trucked along on naked paws.

 There were snowy puppies.

 There were puppy naps by the door so she could keep an eye on the plow and people shoveling.

AND there were some insanely well decorated neon blue cupcakes.
I give you shag carpeting and basket weave.

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