We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Monday, January 31

Wednesday - Friday Damages (1/26 -1/28)


  • $31.17 - CVS (Theraflu and other randomness)
I've been feeling a little under the weather. Nothing seriously, just a scratchy throat. So I picked up some Theraflu, I happen to think the apple cinnamon flavored one is delicious...

  • $0
  • $15 - Jasmere (As mentioned in my last post)
  • $25 - Dana Farber Foundation (donation for a long lost friend running in the Boston Marathon)
  • $14ish - Boston Convention Center (went to see the FabFour, a Beatles cover band with Aaron's mom who was in town for a dental convention) 

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