We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Thursday, January 20

Soon to be Purchased...

So there are a number of items I am anticipating needing to purchase for my upcoming India trip. There's just no getting around them...unless of course any of you out there have any of my needed items and would be willing to let me borrow it/them for a month?

Here's what I think I'll need...

 A power converter. I fried my hairdryer using the one I have in Greece, and while I'm sure it was just a user error...I'm afraid to kill another appliance in India....namely my ipad. I would cry. A lot.
This would be the perfect item to lend me by the way :)

Going to need one more (at least) large memory stick for the old camera. I don't want to run out of memory and while I can download some of them off my camera and onto my ipad, I don't want to completely fill up it's memory with pictures. 

STILL need a raincoat. I suppose I should just break down and buy one already.

New pajama bottoms. I suppose I'm going to need something to wear to sleep that isn't completely ratty and unpresentable, seeing as how I won't just be hanging out in the safety of my own home.

I'm going to need to make a serious trip to CVS to stock up on the necessary over the counter remedies. Some (I'll refrain from naming which ones) are a necessity when traveling to the third world.
This one maybe not so lendable :)

I'm sure there will be more things I think of, but these are what come to mind at the moment. My trip is less than a month away now! AHHHHH!

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