We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Tuesday, February 2

A Message from Yvon (founder of Patagonia)

"Don't buy this shirt unless you need it."
"In an economy of abundance, there is enough. Not too much. Not too little. Enough. Most important, there is enough time for the things that matter: relationships, delicious food, art, games and rest. most of us in the United States live in what is thought to be abundance, with plenty all around us, but it is only an allusion, not the real thing. The economy we live in is marked by 'not enough.'...In the economy of abundance, wild salmon are given back rivers in which to run. Trees grow to their natural height. Water is clean. A sense of mystery and enchantment is restored to the world. We humans live within our means and, best of all, we have the time to enjoy what we have."

A little motivation to start my day.

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