We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Monday, February 1

Old Habits Die Hard

I rarely ever make New Year's Resolutions, mostly because I know the chances of me keeping them are slim to none, I mean if I haven't manged to make some desired change before January 1st...why would I start following it just because it's a new year? Anyways, this year was different...I made a resolution out of need, one of which has become the subject of this blog. To STOP spending money needlessly, thereby paying down some debt, saving some money AND breaking my pattern of being a mindless consumer...something that's embedded in our society. We need more, more, more...why?

Sounds easy enough right? Yeah that's what I thought. Sadly, I failed 29 days into the new year, when I fell victim to a Havaiana boutique on RueLaLa. Sigh. I'm a sucker for a sale...I mean two pairs of flip flops for $20 ($29.95 with shipping)! I couldn't resist.

So here's the deal, I realized that I much like a smoker trying to kick their habit, I cannot stop shopping cold turkey. So instead of resolving to stop shopping...I figured tracking how much I'm spending, where I'm spending it and what I'm spending on, while posting it on here for the world (so really my friends and family to see) I might be able to curb what I'm spending more realistically.

So let's lay out a couple of ground rules:
  1. I will not report my monthly bills (I don't think you need to know when I pay my rent or car payment)
  2. I will not report copays for dr. visits or medication costs (again, not really important)
  3. I will not report an itemized list for groceries (WAY too time consuming and I mean a girl's gotta eat!)
  4. I reserve the right to amend/add rules as I see fit (I mean this is my blog)

We'll see how it goes.

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