We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Sunday, May 2

Abhorrent April

Total: $1,545
Ugh, brutal. I got off to a rough start with that whole laser hair removal thing, which I've yet to schedule an appointment for yet. Going to have to get on that. Anyways, here's the breakdown...

Health & Beauty: $396
Groceries: $326
Randomness: $272
Bars/Restaurants: $168
Gifts: $143
Gas: $137
Clothing: $68
Coffee: $18
Snacks: $16

Okay, so I wish I could say that there wouldn't be any large purchases this month, but I'd be lying. I bought a new vacuum already and will be paying for my share of hardwood floors. Hopefully I can scale back the amount of other purchases though. I will be in Maine for a week for an ecology class (last ever "class" in grad school!!!! granted I still have my thesis project thing and another practicum but hey at least no more classes!!) so that should help keep the spending down. Hard to buy stuff I don't need when I'm on some island sleeping in a tent...at least let's hope.

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