Dear Readers,
As you all know, or some of you know, I am currently working full-time and going to school to get my masters. As you can imagine this leaves me very little free/fun time. SO as a haleigh lula I'm done with school Aaron and I have planned a trip for the end of September to celebrate my freedom (for you see he has suffered quite a bit from my schooling as well...think of having to deal with me horribly stressed out, tired and cranky, although his golf game certainly has benefited). Where are we going you ask? GREECE!
We will be spending a day in Athens, I mean you kind have to see the Parthenon when you're in Greece, and then we're headed off for a tour of the Greek Isles. I am incredibly excited. So far all we have is our tickets over there, which you may have noticed I never claimed on this here blog. Well that's because Aaron bought the tickets and I will be covering the accommodations during our voyage. At least that's the arrangement for now, we'll see if we need to even things up a little more as the planning progresses.
As you can imagine though, this trip will require some moohlah to change hands. All the more reason for me to stop spending money on crap I don't need.
The ante has been raised my friends, game on.
I think I might put a little post-it in my wallet that just says GREECE as a reminder.
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