We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Friday, June 18

Thursday & Friday's Damages (6/17 - 6/18)

  • $5.25 - Dunkin Donuts (Iced Coffee and some Munkins for the field...a girl needs to treat herself when she starts work at 5:30AM!)
  • $ 30 - Paid to Aaron for a portion of the drinks/food consumed at the Sox Game
  • Free - Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts (thanks Aaron)
  • $30 - Buy With Me ($30 for $60 worth of food at Terra Del Sol in Natick)
  • $20.13 - Roche Bros. (Dinner fixins for Thai lettuce wraps, yum)
Now an excerpt from Jack's personal diary/letter writing campaign...

Dear people who ask for plastic,

Are you kidding me? Seriously, with the plastic bags. Get on board and get yourself some reusable bags already. I mean come on! Your love for plastic bags makes me violent. It's wasteful and disgusting, and just so you know, you're single handedly helping to innocent wildlife, like this little guy...

His name was Theodore, and he died a horrible death from plastic ingestion. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Get it together,
Jack Skellington

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