We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Friday, October 15

Thursday & Friday Damages (10/14 - 10/15)

  • $11.89 - CVS
  • $25 - Bloomspot (Wine and cheese pairing at La Voile on Newbury)
 Never been there...love wine...love cheese...what's there to lose?

    Thank you jebus! The weekend is finally here. Well folks, I'm back to 5 day work weeks now that I'm done with grad school and let me tell you it's not really all that sweet. Sure it's nice not to have to get up at 5am every Friday to drive up to NH for a full day of classes only to turn around and drive home again...but 5 whole days of work. Ew.  I'm hoping that I will settle back into working normal hours quickly, but well...I don't really have a choice now do I.

    In other news, this will be the first weekend home in close to a month, and our first weekend home with the Magster. So of course the good ole' "To Do" list is quite lengthy. We'll have to see how much we can get through. First up is we have to find some area rugs before Maggie completely destroys the hardwoods, she's already well on her way.

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