We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Sunday, October 31

Friday & Weekend Damages (10/29 - 10/31)

  • $1.95 - Dunkin Donuts (hot coffee...Aaron's out of town for work and he usual makes the coffee, I haven't mustered up the motivation to make my own in the morning so Dunks it is!)
  • 10.60 - Stop & Shop
  • $240.61 - Sudbury Animal Hospital
Today was not such a good day. I got home in time to take Maggie for a walk and get her to the vet to have that lump looked at. Instead, I returned home to find that Maggie had been sick, very sick, all over the condo. I took her out immediately and noticed that she was peeing blood, a little unnerving...I'll leave it at that without going into more detail. I of course couldn't help but to connect these symptoms to the tumor like growth in her leg. Partly because I worry about the health and happiness of my pets and partly because we lost our last family dog  (Alix) to cancer when she was only 6 (the same age as Maggie).

Awesome Alix

So obviously I was instantly concerned and began running around like a maniac to get everything ready to get her to the vet, even though  it was a bit early for our appointment.

So anyways, here's the prognosis. The lump is just a fatty tumor (thank jebus), which will need to be removed if it gets any bigger and she has a very, very bad urinary tract infection. So we started her on antibiotics immediately. You could tell she was feeling terrible on Friday night, but by Saturday she was acting much more normal, and Sunday has been even better. She's still not 100%, but she's on the road.

So needless to say, the b-day cupcakes were put on hold for a couple of days. We didn't want to give her anything too exciting since her stomach was clearly not feeling well (the vet said that intense pain can induce vomiting...poor nugget). She's been eating brown rice and boiled chicken (which I should note that I had to cook myself b/c Aaron still wasn't back from his business trip, it was filthy! I don't know what about cooking animal flesh is so appealing to you carnivores out there) to keep it nice and bland for her tummy. She finally got one of her birthday cupcakes on Sunday. And she LOVED it!

    • $31.74 - Pizza (Aaron got employee of the year, YAY, so I treated him to a super fancy pizza night...I know, I know, I'm too kind)
    • $21.83 - Natick Liquors
    • -$3.19 - PetSmart (returned the gentle leader since Maggie refuses to walk with it on/rubs her nose until it's raw when it's on, and purchased a bag of dog food...she didn't love the kind we got her originally so she's going bad to what she was given at my parents)
    • $0
    No time for spending...it's cupcake Sunday. On the menu this Sunday...Streusel Cupcakes. Think a homemade Drake's Coffee Cake, because that's what we're working with here. Delicious!

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