We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Monday, April 5

Giving Gifts is Great BUT Giving Free Gifts is Better

That's right...free gifts. Let me explain.

I was home this weekend for the whole Easter holiday thing, and while home I whipped up a batch of killer cupcakes with homemade butter cream and some snickerdoodles for a friend who hasn't been feeling well. Sugar is a cure all people, get on board.

 Please note: Sweet Tart ducks do not hold up well to the moisture of butter cream and best not stuck on top of cupcakes.

The free part comes from the fact that I used all of my mother's resources to bake said goodies. For those of you who know me, you also know that I am not so much the baker. Don't worry my mother carefully supervised as my father laughed at the whole situation from the couch. She assures me that I will be baking her famous pie recipe in no time (possible as soon as 10 years from now!). She even bought me a rolling pin, well technically it was for Christmas (it's no wonder where I get my shopping habits from, the woman has already started Christmas shopping!) but it was left out on the counter and I asked who's it was and the uhhh oohhh kinda gave it away. So I am the proud new owner of french rolling pin, of which I have no idea how to use. Notice the tapered edges so I don't pinch my delicate little fingers. Fancy.

1 comment:

Agatha said...

The snickerdoodles were highly impressive, they were browned just right on the bottom. Sharon is a good teacher.