We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Sunday, April 18

Weekend Damage (4/17 -4/18)

  • $19.97 - Panera (Lunch for Aaron and I)
  • $63.96 Crate and Barrel (Bridal Shower present)
  • $56.29 - HomeGoods (giant pots for patio herb garden and some veggies)
I thought I would share with you a small success story from this weekend. Shannon (my cousin) has decided to give up meat, after watching the Meet Your Meat video. Shannon has been on the cusp for a while now, having already given up pork and barely eating red meat, but has finally made the jump. I am proud. We'll see how she does, it's hard for the first year or so, but I can genuinely say that it gets much, much easier as time goes on. I can't even imagine eating an animals flesh anymore, it makes my stomach turn. Stay strong Shan!

I for one will be be cutting out a lot of the dairy products and eggs that are currently in my diet. I'm not going completely vegan, I've tried that before and it just wasn't for me. I found it exhausting and it made eating out incredibly difficult. Maybe some day, but not any day soon.

This decision is spurred from a movie I saw in class a ways back that I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Among other things it showed what happens to cows when given bovine growth hormone, they're basically crippled and in excruciating pain. The constant milking also leads to chronic infections in the cow's utters, which causes pus to be released when the cow is milked. Very painful for the cow and yes, that means there's pus in your milk. It's organic milk for me from here on out, I'm just not down with drinking pus and find it very disturbing that this is found acceptable by our government. Here, here for regulations that do nothing but help industries and not people. Way to go guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We use coconut milk as a substitute for milk. Another good choice is almond milk. It gives whatever it is you are eating a nice added flavor too!