We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Tuesday, March 30


Rain makes me want to do two things. Nap and shop online. Well mostly nap, but the fact that I'm sitting at work unable to focus on my work b/c I would prefer to be napping drives me to shop. I realize that makes no sense, but I can't explain the inner workings of my brain. They seldom makes sense.

So far I have stayed strong and resisted the temptations of my ShopItToMe daily email and the LaLa. Here are some of the items that I had to battle with my inner demons to pass by...

 Honora Silver Pearl Bracelet - $35 from $85

Honora Silver and White Pearl Bracelet - $79 from $195

Honora Pearl Bracelet - $19 from $49 
Honora Pearl Ring - $25 from $45

White House Black Market (ShopItToMe) - $39.99 from $79

White House Black Market (ShopItToMe) - $39.99 from $79

Black Diamond Poles from Steep and Cheap - $49.99 from $100-and something (I've been eyes walking poles for winter snowshoeing...I guess now is not the time to be making this purchase however...besides I think I would prefer Leki Poles)

First off, clearly I need pearls. Lately I have been loving pearl jewelry, which I have none of. I know, I'm so mistreated! Secondly, how great would the black and white bustier look underneath that sweater!  I know...perfect. 

This rain needs to go away so I can start daydreaming about all of the fun outdoor activities I could be doing while I'm sitting at my desk, instead of compulsively window/screen shopping. My bank account depends on it.

Monday, March 29

New Week, New Temptations...

I am not feeling like jumping into work first thing this Monday morning...so instead I checked up on what I might have missed this weekend on the LaLa. Nothing really all that spectacular but I do enjoy the Anzie boutique. Here's some of my favorites....

 ($2,199 from $4,500....LITTLE steep!)

($229 from $975)

($79 from $279)
($59 from $225)

Wouldn't the two rings look great stacked on one another! Don't worry I didn't buy anything. So far still staying strong today...granted it is only 8AM.

Weekend Damage

  • $15.93 - Staples (black ink for my printer)
  • $33.11 - CVS (random stuff)
  • $49.82 - Trader Joe's (birthday gift card from Dad...so essentially free)
  • $9.52 - Salvation Army
So today at Trader Joe's Aaron was helping out by bagging the groceries...he did such a great job filling the paper bag to its full capacity (we forgot our reusable bags...I know, I know) that the bottom tore open as soon as he picked it up. Stellar job. Some good did come out of it though, I had already purchased one of Trader Joe's reusable bags (out of sheer guilt of not having any with me) and the woman felt bad for Aaron so she gave us another one for free!

How many of you out there use reusable bags?

Isn't this one awesome!

P.S. - Aaron has just informed me that I need to have a signed waiver from him in order to use his name or any of his aliases on my blog. Riiight. I'm going to go ahead and ignore him.  
    • $14.23 - CVS (big weekend for CVS)

      Saturday, March 27

      Message from Joaquin Phoenix & PETA

      This is incredibly disturbing, not going to lie I squirmed...a lot. It's pretty convincing evidence as to why we should not be wearing animal skins....horrifying.

      Thursday & Friday's Daily Damages

      •  $22.98 - Hess
      • $2.24 - McDonald's (Morning Coffee #2)
      • $24.46 - REI (Super Feet, which a friend of mine bought with her employee discount...saving me $10.49)
      My new hiking boots are even more comfie now that I have some SuperFeet in them. It really does make all the difference. 

      • $10 - Aaron (felt the need to pay for the light bulbs I threw into his shopping cart...buy one get one free!)

      Friday, March 26

      Temptations Resisted

      This week, like most others forced me to face the fact that I do not need the majority of items I desire, nor can I afford them.

      For example...

      Carla Mancini Boutique on RueLaLa...$270 (usually $620)

      Another bag from the same boutique...$229 (usually $495)

      This week was the week of the bag...pretty much the last thing I need. I have a trunk full of purses at the end of my bed. It's really quite something.This addiction, much like my shoe addiction can be directly traced back to my mother. She has instilled in me the need to have a purse/pair of shoes for every outfit, season and/or occasion. My father golfs...my mother buys shoes and purses (or as they say in RI...pock-a-books), it's a system that works well for them.

      Wednesday, March 24

      Wednesday's Daily Damage

      • $0
      Poor little Veruca's (Veruca is my car's name, yes my car has a name...as every car should) windshield didn't make it through the winter in tact, not so uncommon in New England. So like the responsible person that I am, I called to have my windshield replaced so that I can get my car inspected. No worries though, it's covered under insurance ANDthe glass replacement people came to my office and swapped it out right in the parking lot. It was wicked quick and easy and they even tranfered my FastLane and inspection sticker onto the new windshiled! A pleasant surprise.

      Okay so my windshield was nowhere near as bad as this one...but the drama adds to the effect of Veruca's plight.

      A Shout Out from Ouidad!

      Yeah, that's right. Ouidad gave me a little shout out today for my blog back on March 3rd outlining my obsession with their hair products. Here's what Linda had to say...

      Ouidad said...
      So glad you love our products! If you’re ever looking for other curly hair tips, we’re constantly posting new curly secrets on our blog. http://www.blog.ouidad.com/ Check it out if you’re interested! Linda

      In Linda's honor here's a video that I find helpful. It helps us curly-hairers battle against what I call sphinx head. Aaron can attest to the fact that I subscribe to this hair styling method :)

      Tuesday, March 23

      Take Back The Tap!

      Remember my post way back when about The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard? Remember I asked everyone to take 20 minutes of their life to watch it because it's incredibly worth while and informative. Well JUST in case you missed it...I have posted it below.

      Well now to the point at hand...bottled water. I have a deep seeded hatred for this incredibly wasteful, completely unsustainable, and totally asinine  product. Annie Leonard recently released a new movie clip about the bottled water industry, a lovely little follow up to the story of stuff. I love, love, love it. Please watch it!

      I challenge all of you reading this to "take back the tap" by thinking ahead and grabbing a reusable bottle instead of buying a bottle of water...I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you all have at least one water bottle, in one form or another (Mom, I believe I just got you a Nalagene so you should be good to go).

      Monday & Tuesday's Damages

      • $2.01- McDonald's (Ice Coffee...still using that gift card from Christmas)
      • $8.62 - CVS
      Oh yeah and Happy World Water Day!
      • $17.01 -  Johnnie's Fresh Market (Bread, Veggies for dinner and some odds and ends)
      On a totally unrelated note...it's raining again. Today's rain isn't quite a dreary however. How can that be you ask? Well because my new Hunter boots have arrived! Add these new dream boots to the amazing sky umbrella dear Dootz got me for my birthday a couple of years ago and you've got...well more like I've got, a power duo suited perfectly for Boston's monsoon season.

        Monday, March 22

        Weekend Damage

        I warned you that it was going to be a big weekend....

        • $75 - Shower Gift (facial voucher worth $125 from Buywithme...bought it a month or so ago)
        • $58 - Victoria's Secret (Bachelorette Party Gift...actually bought this on the 16th but couldn't post it or it would have ruined the surprise)
        • $24.50 - The Estate (starting point of the night's debauchery)
        • $12.50 - The Liquor Store (ending point of the night's debauchery)
        • $ Major Moolah...in the $500 to $1,000 range - The W in Boston

        So while I would not normally frequent bars like Estate or the Liquor Store...for a bachelorette party they suited the bill.  The charges for The Estate and The Liquore Store haven't posted to my account yet, they're still pending and I really have no idea how much I tipped at either of the bars, so it remains to be seen...these are my best guesses judging from my foggy memory of the evening. There remains some confusion as to how much I tipped at The Liquore Store because I wrote $20 on the receipt, yet my drink was only $8.50...I'm really hoping that I didn't tip them more than 100% for one lousy drink.

        You also may have noticed that I did not disclose the exact $ amount that was paid at The W, the reason being that Courtney (said bachelorette) reads this blog and she doesn't really  need to know how much we spent on her party. Not to mention the suite was worth every penny...it was gorgeous! Plus I didn't pay for it solo so really even though a large chunk went on my card, I will be paying it off as soon as I get to the bank and deposit the money from all of the girls.

        • $0
        No real need to spend any money when you're napping on the couch all day.

        Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Daily Damages

        • $35.70 - Fenway Farmstand (apparently you can only use one of the groupon vouchers I bought at a time, so I ended up having to pay the difference)
        • $60 - Red Sox Tickets (from my cousin Mike)
        • $56 - AAA membership renewal
        • $0
          • $4.18 - Walgreens (random stuff)
          • $28.48 - Sunoco
          • $75.31 - Target (things for Court's Bachelorette on Saturday)
          • $7.29 - Marshalls (more stuff for the Bachelorette)
          • $38.93 - Russo's (Food for the Bachelorette)
          Are you noticing a theme? Court's bachelorette party and shower are this weekend so I did quite a bit of running around on Friday to get last minute supplies. So while it may look like it was a crazy day of spending it was all planned for and my bank account was ready for it...well ready enough anyways.

          Get ready for my weekend post...should be a big weekend. Bridal shower and bachelorette party on Saturday.

          Friday, March 19

          Got Old Kicks?

          If you live in the Natick/Greater Boston area there's a great way to get rid of your old running shoes. Lululemon is collecting old running shoes for their Soles4Souls donation, where they donate our "old" running shoes to those in need. Seeing as how I have 4 pairs of old running shoes that I no longer wear, I'll be heading over there soon.

          Soles4Souls Running Shoes Donation!
          March 17th-April 19th
          lululemon athletica Natick Collection
          It's the time of year to break in your new running shoes! Why not give your old ones to someone in need? Soles4Souls donates shoes to 125 countries on 5 continents. From now until April 19th (Marathon Monday!) we'll have a Soles4Souls donation box right here in our store. Did you know that over 1.5 billion shoes lay idle in American closets? Bring us your old sneakers next time you come in - they'll be new to someone else! 

          Wednesday, March 17

          Happy St. Pattie's!

          Happy St. Patrick's Day readers...

          I can only hope that you too are eating green bagels courtesy of your employers this morning. There's nothing like starting your day with a bagel full of green food dye. Yum..ish. Here's to spending the evening enjoying a nice pint of Guinness or green beer if you prefer.

          Now for some breaking St. Pattie's news from Mobile, Alabama...

          Tuesday, March 16

          There's Something I Should Tell You...

          Just in case you haven't noticed already, I LOVE quotes. Love, love, love them.I just started reading Sustainability by Design by John R. Ehrenfeld and there are some stellar quotes in it...so I thought I would share a few of my favorites that also happen to be relevant to my blog, what a coincidence!

          From Chapter 1: Is the Sky Falling? (great title I know!)
          "...even more telling are the breakdowns that are appearing in the social fabric of life: record numbers of people are seeking treatment for depression and other sings of mental distress...our compulsive need for ever more stuff is producing individual and societal sickness. One consequence is the fading relationships with other people, which he claims are the only sources of genuine happiness." (pg. 3)

           From Chapter 3: Uncovering the Roots of Unsustainability
          "We are more than machines existing only to transform the material state of the world. Dignity and autonomy give way to a form of addiction to instrumentality - a mechinelike existence - and to its relative, consumption." (pg. 30)

          From Chapter 4: Consumption: A Symptom of Addiction
          "Choices are more akin to habits. Unless the actor understands the process and 'chooses' it over the idea that the 'free self' is at work, the resultant choice of action is inauthentic and lacks meaningulness for the actor. The more that choice is propelled by social forces, such as advertising and peer pressure, the less authentic the action will be, and the less satisfaction will show up at the root of Being." (pg. 38)

          Just a little something to think about. Many more to come I'm sure.

          Monday's Daily Damage

          • $1.25 - Diet Pepsi (I always feel the need for a cold drink when it's warm out, and since drinking beer at work is frowned upon...most of the time, a DP had to do) 
          • $74.97 - Ann Taylor Factory Store
          • $120 - A. Quinn Hair Salon 

          I'm not going to lie, having to disclose just how much I pay on hair products and maintenance is making me feel a little exposed. I  suppose that's one of the reasons I started this blog though, full-frontal, uncomfortable, terrifying disclosure. Right? Anyways, I may just be one of the most well groomed hippies out there, as you can see by my "health and beauty" expenditures. I personally don't think that $120 is an astronomical amount to pay for a hair cut, especially when you take into consideration that it includes tip ($20) AND results in a hair cut that does not make me look like a poodle. Both good things.

          I suppose I could just go back to dreadlocks and avoid the cost of just about all hair related expenses, aside from the occasional jar of bees wax (helps keep the dreads tamed and frizz free...a necessity).

          Behold...the dawning of the dreads!

          They had an interesting product I've never seen before at Quinn, Onesta. Heard of it? It's supposedly a new eco-friendly hair car product. It uses all natural ingredients and Arthur (hair stylist at Quinn) says that it works wonders, but is no replacement for Ouidad when it comes those with the curls.

           Images taken from A. Quinn salon's website. 
          Check out Onesta's website for yourself.

          So I know what you're thinking, what was I doing spending money at Ann Taylor?! Well, as I have proved...repeatedly, I am weak.  I had to go pick up some goodies for a bachelorette that I am co-hosting this weekend and couldn't resist the temptation of going in, particularly b/c I have come to hate most of the items in my closet...this tends to happen now and again throughout the year. I ended up getting a pair of work pants b/c my work pants are getting to be a sad sight, a t-shirt and a white wrap-like top.  Pretty basic stuff. Don't you worry, I will be posting a listing of the bachelorette goodies after the party this Saturday...clearly I can't post it now, or it will kinda ruin the surprise.

          I am already dreading posting the monthly wrap up...it's going to be ugly. God I am horrible at this resolution stuff.

          Monday, March 15

          Saturay, Sunday & Monday's Daily Damage

          • $0
          • $5.57 -Iriving in NH (snackages)
          • $9.28 - Foster's Crossroads (little convenience shop in NH)
          • $150 - Mount Washington Omni Hotel (Groupon, which was paid for months ago, but I thought was worth posting...the deal included one night at the Omni and two all day ski passes to Bretton Woods)
          • $42.00 - Bretton Woods (ski rentals)

          This weekend was supposed to be a weekend of snowshoeing, skiing and overall enjoyment of the White Mountain National Forest. However, mother nature had another plan and decided it should be unseasonably warm and pouring rain. No worries though. Spending Saturday relaxing in a hot tub only to move to the bar to before dinner isn't so horrible. We still managed to get out on the slopes on Monday as well, and although a bit wet, it was a good day. The fact that it was Monday and  drizzling out made for nonexistent lines and empty slopes, so we were able to pack a ton of runs into a short period of time...my knees are thanking me.

          Friday, March 12

          Thursday & Friday Daily Damages

          • $5.01 - Synergy Guava Drink (my dinner after school and before yoga...yoga after being in a car for 2 hours and being at school all day is quite challenging, particularly in the balancing arena)
          •  60 pounds - Hunter Huntress Boots

           Got myself some new vernal pooling boots, which conveniently can be worn around town as well...dual purpose! I bet you're wondering why I paid for them in pounds and not dollars...well apparently the U.S. discriminates against us larger calved ladies. I couldn't find them anywhere! Clearly it's a conspiracy. So I had to resort to buying them from an outdoor outfitter in England. Now we'll just have to see if they get here before the critters come out to play. Considering I stepped on a basking snake in the field the other day I have a feeling they're going to start moving sooner rather than later. 

            Wednesday, March 10

            Wednesday's Daily Damage

            I totally caved to the Final Act Sale on Ruelala today...I am weak. Round two of the Final Sale is tomorrow. This could be bad.
            • $38.95 - Fleece Vest  (Marmot Boutique on RueLaLa)

            I felt that I needed a fleece vest for those in between days where a jacket is too much but no coat at all isn't an option. Oh yeah and it's green and I have a mild (ok, complete) obsession with all things green.
            • $4.88 - McDonalds (another coffee and a milkshake for the Kik-ster)
            • $7.84 - Panera (dinner)
            • $5.00 - Chipped in for the required bottle of wine for homework
            In the effort of complete disclosure, I totally would have bought these Hunter boots if I had gotten there sooner. They sold out in minutes. Sad. 

            Cute right? AND they're so functional! I need some new vernal pooling boots for the upcoming season, which is coming up quick and these would have been perfect. Although I have man calves so they would have been tight on my legs. The plan is to get some boots, most likely the Hunter Huntress boots (a bit more roomy in the calf region), if I can find them in my size, which has been a problem. The great thing is that work will reimburse me for them. I mean I NEED them to do my job! It can't be helped.

            ***vernal pool: a contained basin depression lacking a permanent above ground outlet
            ***vernal pool-ing: (not so much the technical term but it's effective) Sloshing about in said depression looking for the egg masses of breeding amphibians in an effort to determine if the pool provide viable breeding habitat...every 10 year old boy's dream, and I get paid to do this. I love vernal pooling. 

            Here's an example of a wood frog egg mass. I know most of you were dying for a picture.

            Liberal or Communist?

            I realize this isn't really along the lines of my message of "Stop Mindless Shopping," but it's entertaining all the same.

            The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
            Rage Within the Machine - Progressivism
            Daily Show
            Full Episodes
            Political HumorHealth Care Reform

            Monday & Tuesday Daily Damage

            • $0
            Didn't spend a dime even though I was tempted by these little gems...

            Clearly, Megs or Snickers needs a softshell! Right? Okay maybe not, which is why I refrained. 

            I have a thing for pillows. I have 6...okay 7 on my bed. I need them in my life, they make me feel at peace...alright I'm being dramatic, I have a tendency to do that. Anyways, these beauties are medium fill (whatever that means) alternative down and to be honest...I'm still lusting over them. Spending $89 on pillows however, just isn't in the cards...nor should it be.

            • $5.12 - McDonald's (coffees)
            • $24.25 - On the Border (lunch for coworker and myself...this doesn't really even count b/c it's reimbursable through work)
            As it turns out working in the field is very good for my spending...it's hard to buy unnecessary items when you're out in the woods delineating wetlands.

              Sunday, March 7

              Frantic February Wrap-up

              The moment you've all been waiting for....the monthly tally.
              Total - $997 (EEK)

              The Breakdown (highest to lowest)...
              • Shoes - $240 (remember that I bought hiking boots this month!)
              • Random crap - $212.30 (the largest items in this category were filing fees for my taxes and my ski helmet)
              • Gasoline - $136.29
              • Health & Beauty - $105.34
              • Groceries - $71.91
              • Gifts - $64.60
              • Snacks - $34.97
              • Coffee - $15.64
              Okay, so this is a bit higher than I was anticipating. Granted I had a little extra cash to play with this month because I got my tax return, which paid off one of my credit cards (super exciting) so that was one less bill to pay, and I also had some birthday money at my disposal. Regardless, to spend almost $1,000 in a month on random stuff is absolutely ridiculous.

              I have a little spreadsheet (yes, I said spreadsheet...I know, I'm pretty impressed with myself as well) to record what I spend my money on and I have to say that when looking at the numbers...I have no idea what I bought in quite a few cases. I mean, I spent more on health and beauty products than I did on food! Although, the amount of money Aaron spends on food should probably be factored into this equation...but that's just too much work, so sorry for ya, it's not going to happen. I mean who has time for that.

              So in closing, clearly I need to pay attention to the accumulative tally this month. Here's to exercising more control in the month of March!

              Weekend Damage

              • $ 29 - AMC Theater 
              • $ 10.60 - Home Depot (Dahlia bulbs...getting ready for spring!!)
              • $ 23 - Hess
              I bet you're wondering what movie I saw, right? ALICE IN WONDERLAND! Obviously. I don't know what the critics were complaining about! I loved it!! Can't wait for it to come out on DVD.

              P.S. - I have a mild obsession with all things Tim Burton (hence the pen name Jack Skellington). Curiouser and curiouser.

              Alice got out early and we weren't quite ready to head back to my apartment yet, so we may or may  not have snuck into Shutter Island. I prefer to think of it as getting the most for your money and if it's any consolation, I haven't snuck into a movie since I was probably 16...so I feel I was due for a little adolescent mischief. It keeps the soul young. 

              Anyways, enough about how we got into the movie. I heard some bad reviews about Shutter Island as well, but I liked it. The ending was definitely unexpected, the type of ending that makes you go back through the entire movie in your head trying to pick up on clues. Anyways, it's worth seeing. Just be prepared for some overly dramatic background music.

              • $0

              Saturday, March 6

              Thursday & Friday's Daily Damage

              • $4.78 - Elm City Bagel (breakfast in NH before class)

              • $162 - Lululemon
              Well it didn't take me long to spend my $150 birthday gift card, now did it. Oh yeah and to sweeten the deal, Aaron covered the $12 difference :)

              I got a gray zip up hoodie (darker than the picture below), an I just wanna run tech tank in aqua and a twisted headband to match the tank. I realize that this doesn't sound like very much for the amount it costs but lululemon stuff last forever! I have had the same pair of sweats for 3 years and they're still going strong. You get what you pay for.

              Wednesday, March 3

              Wednesday's Daily Damage

              • $5.78 - CVS (had to get the stuff I forgot to stay over in NH for school tonight)
              • $66 - Ouidad (Climate Control Gel, 33.8 ounces...I buy hair gel in bulk, more economical)
              While $66 may seem like a lot of dough for hair gel to some of you, know this...I have curly hair, so we're playing by a whole different set of rules. I can't just throw any old product in my hair and expect to look presentable, believe me I wish I could. So if you have straight, low maintenance, perfectly placed hair that whips around beautifully in a convertible, please do not feel the need to tell me how much you love my curls and wish you had curly hair. I'm not interested, you know nothing of my pain. The bad hair cuts, the frizz, the sheer volume of products needed, not to mention the cost of said products...you cannot possibly understand. For those of you with curly hair I highly recommend any and all Ouidad products as well as the Ouidad haircut, particularly for the super curly. I was turned onto them a couple of years ago by a friend and I am absolutely a lifer now. I've seen the light, there's just no other way.

              Today's Temptations & Victories

              Every day brings with it new temptations in the form of a new wave of "stuff" that I want but do not need. Today was no exception.

              Oakley sunglasses on sale. Sunglasses are the last thing I need though, I couldn't even being to justify buying them. I have three pairs of nice sunglasses (Ray-Bans, Smith aviators and Natives) along with 2 or 3 pairs of cheap knock offs. Alas, I passed this deal by and rightly so. 

              Today was not all temptation though. I played a key role and deterring the Dootz from purchasing a bag, albeit a very nice looking bag. For Dootz is trying to cut back too and needed some moral support to resist this Rafe purse.

              I agree, it's a good looking bag and it was on sale for $249 from its original $550. Quite a bargain.  BUT upon further investigation (i.e. clicking through alternative views) it was discovered that said bag was made in China by the "finest materials from Europe and Asia." This leads me to believe that it was probably made by some 8-year old for about 3 cents. Hey I could be wrong, but why take that chance?

              Tuesday, March 2

              Monday's Daily Damage

              • $22.33 - Irving (gas) 
              • $28.20 - Shaws (dinner and then some)
              • $30 - Fenway Farmstand (for $60 worth of groceries)

              GREAT day today! Thanks to Groupon, who was having a deal where you could buy a voucher for $20 worth of produce for $10. I of course bought 3, because I love this farmstand! Local, organic produce at great prices, AND it's right around the corner from my apartment! When I went to checkout, a $20 credit was applied to my purchase (I guess people I have referred to Groupon have bought things and I got a credit applied to my account for it?). So really I got $60 worth of groceries for $10, best deal ever.

              Monday, March 1

              Design for a Living World

              I stumbled across a link on The Nature Conservancy's website while doing some research for school which offered some insight into a project they initiated called Design for a Living World. 

              "Design for a Living World asks us to think about the products we use - where they come from, how they are made and the impacts they have on our planet."

              It's like music to my ears...and also an interesting peak into how these designers approached the challenge of creating a sustainable product. Enjoy!