We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Wednesday, March 10

Wednesday's Daily Damage

I totally caved to the Final Act Sale on Ruelala today...I am weak. Round two of the Final Sale is tomorrow. This could be bad.
  • $38.95 - Fleece Vest  (Marmot Boutique on RueLaLa)

I felt that I needed a fleece vest for those in between days where a jacket is too much but no coat at all isn't an option. Oh yeah and it's green and I have a mild (ok, complete) obsession with all things green.
  • $4.88 - McDonalds (another coffee and a milkshake for the Kik-ster)
  • $7.84 - Panera (dinner)
  • $5.00 - Chipped in for the required bottle of wine for homework
In the effort of complete disclosure, I totally would have bought these Hunter boots if I had gotten there sooner. They sold out in minutes. Sad. 

Cute right? AND they're so functional! I need some new vernal pooling boots for the upcoming season, which is coming up quick and these would have been perfect. Although I have man calves so they would have been tight on my legs. The plan is to get some boots, most likely the Hunter Huntress boots (a bit more roomy in the calf region), if I can find them in my size, which has been a problem. The great thing is that work will reimburse me for them. I mean I NEED them to do my job! It can't be helped.

***vernal pool: a contained basin depression lacking a permanent above ground outlet
***vernal pool-ing: (not so much the technical term but it's effective) Sloshing about in said depression looking for the egg masses of breeding amphibians in an effort to determine if the pool provide viable breeding habitat...every 10 year old boy's dream, and I get paid to do this. I love vernal pooling. 

Here's an example of a wood frog egg mass. I know most of you were dying for a picture.

1 comment:

Olive said...

Oh! I want to go vernal pooling with you! Call me!