We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Wednesday, March 17

Happy St. Pattie's!

Happy St. Patrick's Day readers...

I can only hope that you too are eating green bagels courtesy of your employers this morning. There's nothing like starting your day with a bagel full of green food dye. Yum..ish. Here's to spending the evening enjoying a nice pint of Guinness or green beer if you prefer.

Now for some breaking St. Pattie's news from Mobile, Alabama...

1 comment:

Randor said...

Gotta show some love for the Lep and get the t-shirt: http://www.cafepress.com/randor