Just in case you haven't noticed already, I LOVE quotes. Love, love, love them.I just started reading Sustainability by Design by John R. Ehrenfeld and there are some stellar quotes in it...so I thought I would share a few of my favorites that also happen to be relevant to my blog, what a coincidence!
From Chapter 1: Is the Sky Falling? (great title I know!)
"...even more telling are the breakdowns that are appearing in the social fabric of life: record numbers of people are seeking treatment for depression and other sings of mental distress...our compulsive need for ever more stuff is producing individual and societal sickness. One consequence is the fading relationships with other people, which he claims are the only sources of genuine happiness." (pg. 3)
From Chapter 3: Uncovering the Roots of Unsustainability
"We are more than machines existing only to transform the material state of the world. Dignity and autonomy give way to a form of addiction to instrumentality - a mechinelike existence - and to its relative, consumption." (pg. 30)
From Chapter 4: Consumption: A Symptom of Addiction
"Choices are more akin to habits. Unless the actor understands the process and 'chooses' it over the idea that the 'free self' is at work, the resultant choice of action is inauthentic and lacks meaningulness for the actor. The more that choice is propelled by social forces, such as advertising and peer pressure, the less authentic the action will be, and the less satisfaction will show up at the root of Being." (pg. 38)
Just a little something to think about. Many more to come I'm sure.
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