We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Tuesday, March 16

Monday's Daily Damage

  • $1.25 - Diet Pepsi (I always feel the need for a cold drink when it's warm out, and since drinking beer at work is frowned upon...most of the time, a DP had to do) 
  • $74.97 - Ann Taylor Factory Store
  • $120 - A. Quinn Hair Salon 

I'm not going to lie, having to disclose just how much I pay on hair products and maintenance is making me feel a little exposed. I  suppose that's one of the reasons I started this blog though, full-frontal, uncomfortable, terrifying disclosure. Right? Anyways, I may just be one of the most well groomed hippies out there, as you can see by my "health and beauty" expenditures. I personally don't think that $120 is an astronomical amount to pay for a hair cut, especially when you take into consideration that it includes tip ($20) AND results in a hair cut that does not make me look like a poodle. Both good things.

I suppose I could just go back to dreadlocks and avoid the cost of just about all hair related expenses, aside from the occasional jar of bees wax (helps keep the dreads tamed and frizz free...a necessity).

Behold...the dawning of the dreads!

They had an interesting product I've never seen before at Quinn, Onesta. Heard of it? It's supposedly a new eco-friendly hair car product. It uses all natural ingredients and Arthur (hair stylist at Quinn) says that it works wonders, but is no replacement for Ouidad when it comes those with the curls.

 Images taken from A. Quinn salon's website. 
Check out Onesta's website for yourself.

So I know what you're thinking, what was I doing spending money at Ann Taylor?! Well, as I have proved...repeatedly, I am weak.  I had to go pick up some goodies for a bachelorette that I am co-hosting this weekend and couldn't resist the temptation of going in, particularly b/c I have come to hate most of the items in my closet...this tends to happen now and again throughout the year. I ended up getting a pair of work pants b/c my work pants are getting to be a sad sight, a t-shirt and a white wrap-like top.  Pretty basic stuff. Don't you worry, I will be posting a listing of the bachelorette goodies after the party this Saturday...clearly I can't post it now, or it will kinda ruin the surprise.

I am already dreading posting the monthly wrap up...it's going to be ugly. God I am horrible at this resolution stuff.

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