We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Friday, March 19

Got Old Kicks?

If you live in the Natick/Greater Boston area there's a great way to get rid of your old running shoes. Lululemon is collecting old running shoes for their Soles4Souls donation, where they donate our "old" running shoes to those in need. Seeing as how I have 4 pairs of old running shoes that I no longer wear, I'll be heading over there soon.

Soles4Souls Running Shoes Donation!
March 17th-April 19th
lululemon athletica Natick Collection
It's the time of year to break in your new running shoes! Why not give your old ones to someone in need? Soles4Souls donates shoes to 125 countries on 5 continents. From now until April 19th (Marathon Monday!) we'll have a Soles4Souls donation box right here in our store. Did you know that over 1.5 billion shoes lay idle in American closets? Bring us your old sneakers next time you come in - they'll be new to someone else! 

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