We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Monday, March 29

Weekend Damage

  • $15.93 - Staples (black ink for my printer)
  • $33.11 - CVS (random stuff)
  • $49.82 - Trader Joe's (birthday gift card from Dad...so essentially free)
  • $9.52 - Salvation Army
So today at Trader Joe's Aaron was helping out by bagging the groceries...he did such a great job filling the paper bag to its full capacity (we forgot our reusable bags...I know, I know) that the bottom tore open as soon as he picked it up. Stellar job. Some good did come out of it though, I had already purchased one of Trader Joe's reusable bags (out of sheer guilt of not having any with me) and the woman felt bad for Aaron so she gave us another one for free!

How many of you out there use reusable bags?

Isn't this one awesome!

P.S. - Aaron has just informed me that I need to have a signed waiver from him in order to use his name or any of his aliases on my blog. Riiight. I'm going to go ahead and ignore him.  
    • $14.23 - CVS (big weekend for CVS)

      1 comment:

      Artieb said...

      I know the feeling of guilt when you forget the grocery bags. Erin and I had a 3 week lapse and accrued like 10 paper bags (they like to double them up for some reason). But we do try to use reusable bags whenever we go to the store/market. Also a question, how many people forgo a bag when buying something small that they can carry for a short time? I try to do it as often as i can.