We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Wednesday, March 3

Wednesday's Daily Damage

  • $5.78 - CVS (had to get the stuff I forgot to stay over in NH for school tonight)
  • $66 - Ouidad (Climate Control Gel, 33.8 ounces...I buy hair gel in bulk, more economical)
While $66 may seem like a lot of dough for hair gel to some of you, know this...I have curly hair, so we're playing by a whole different set of rules. I can't just throw any old product in my hair and expect to look presentable, believe me I wish I could. So if you have straight, low maintenance, perfectly placed hair that whips around beautifully in a convertible, please do not feel the need to tell me how much you love my curls and wish you had curly hair. I'm not interested, you know nothing of my pain. The bad hair cuts, the frizz, the sheer volume of products needed, not to mention the cost of said products...you cannot possibly understand. For those of you with curly hair I highly recommend any and all Ouidad products as well as the Ouidad haircut, particularly for the super curly. I was turned onto them a couple of years ago by a friend and I am absolutely a lifer now. I've seen the light, there's just no other way.


erin said...

agreeeeeed! especially about the "i want your hair"-- NO, No, no you don't! :)

and i <3 ouidad, too.

Jack Skellington said...

Gotta love the people who want to touch your hair too, so strange.

Anonymous said...

I have curly hair - where can I buy those products? And, what's the "haircut"?

Jack Skellington said...

The difference in the haircut is that they carve out sections from the center of your hair (sounds scary and horrible but it's not). You can find an Ouidad salon on their website...

You can buy the products at the salon or from their website.

Ouidad said...

So glad you love our products! If you’re ever looking for other curly hair tips, we’re constantly posting new curly secrets on our blog. http://www.blog.ouidad.com/ Check it out if you’re interested!