We are told over and over again that Shopping = Stuff = Happiness. But does it really? Should it?
I for one just don't buy it...hence this blog following my quest to overcome my shopaholic tendencies to become a more conscious and sustainable consumer.

Wednesday, March 10

Monday & Tuesday Daily Damage

  • $0
Didn't spend a dime even though I was tempted by these little gems...

Clearly, Megs or Snickers needs a softshell! Right? Okay maybe not, which is why I refrained. 

I have a thing for pillows. I have 6...okay 7 on my bed. I need them in my life, they make me feel at peace...alright I'm being dramatic, I have a tendency to do that. Anyways, these beauties are medium fill (whatever that means) alternative down and to be honest...I'm still lusting over them. Spending $89 on pillows however, just isn't in the cards...nor should it be.

  • $5.12 - McDonald's (coffees)
  • $24.25 - On the Border (lunch for coworker and myself...this doesn't really even count b/c it's reimbursable through work)
As it turns out working in the field is very good for my spending...it's hard to buy unnecessary items when you're out in the woods delineating wetlands.

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